How Do I Know When to Replace my Ductwork?

Replacing Air Ductwork

Discover how replacing air ductwork can improve your home’s ventilation, lower energy costs, and boost indoor air quality in our comprehensive guide.

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Top 10 Questions HVAC Customers Ask

Top 10 Questions HVAC Customers Ask

If you’re thinking of installing or upgrading an HVAC system in your home, you likely have a lot of questions. What are the most common questions potential customers ask about HVAC? This blog answers that question and provides some tips on what to look for when shopping for an HVAC system. Keep reading to learn more!

1. What Is an HVAC System?

Central air systems are the most common type of HVAC system. They consist of an air conditioner, a furnace, and ductwork that distributes the conditioned air throughout the home. Central air systems are typically more expensive to install than other systems, but they are also more efficient and provide better indoor air quality.

Mini-split systems are another type of HVAC system. They consist of an outdoor unit that contains the compressor and condenser and one or more indoor units that contain the evaporator coils. They offer a number of advantages, including improved energy efficiency and easier installation.

Window air conditioners are the least expensive type of HVAC system, but they are also the least efficient. Window air conditioners cool a single room or area and do not provide any heating.

2. What Affects the Cost of an HVAC System?

The Size of the Home

One of the primary factors that affect the cost of an HVAC system is the size of the home. A larger home requires a more powerful and expensive system to heat and cool it properly. Conversely, a smaller home will not need as large or powerful of a system and will therefore be less expensive.

The Climate

The climate in which the home is located also affects the cost of an HVAC system. A home in a cold climate requires a more powerful heating system, while a home in a hot climate requires a more powerful cooling system. Additionally, homes located in areas with high humidity levels may require additional dehumidification capabilities, which also add to the cost.

The Efficiency of the System

The efficiency of the HVAC system is another important factor that affects its cost. More efficient systems typically use less energy and therefore cost less to operate. However, these systems often have a higher initial purchase price than less efficient models. As such, it is important to consider both the initial purchase price and long-term operating costs when selecting an HVAC system for your home.

3. What Are the Benefits of an HVAC System?

Improved Air Quality

One of the primary benefits of an HVAC system is that it improves the quality of the air in your home. An HVAC system circulates and filters the air in your home, removing pollen, dust, and other airborne particles that can trigger allergies or respiratory problems. Additionally, an HVAC system helps to remove excess humidity from the air, which reduces the risk of mold and mildew growth.

Enhanced Comfort

Another benefit of an HVAC system is that it helps keep your home more comfortable year-round. In the winter, an HVAC system circulates warm air throughout your home, while in the summer, it circulates cool air. This helps to take the edge off extreme temperatures and make your home more comfortable. Additionally, an HVAC system helps reduce drafts and cold spots in your home.

What to Look for When Choosing an HVAC System

4. What to Look for When Choosing an HVAC System


When choosing an HVAC system, one of the most important factors to consider is efficiency. The efficiency of an HVAC system is measured by its Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER). The SEER rating is the ratio of the cooling output of the system divided by the energy input of the system. The higher the SEER rating, the more efficient the system is.


Another important factor is size. The size of the unit should be based on the square footage of the home as well as the climate. It is important to choose a unit that is not too small or too large for the home.


It is also important to consider the features that are available. Some features that may be important include programmable thermostats, air filtration systems, and energy-saving modes.

5. How Often Should I Have My HVAC System Serviced?

It’s generally recommended that you have your HVAC system serviced once a year. This helps ensure that your system is running efficiently and helps prevent costly repairs down the road.

6. What Are Some Common Problems with HVAC Systems?

Some common problems with HVAC systems include poor air circulation, inadequate heating or cooling, and high energy bills. If you’re experiencing any of these problems, it’s important to have your HVAC system checked by a professional.

7. Can I Install an HVAC System Myself?

Installing an HVAC system is a complex task that should only be attempted by trained professionals. HVAC systems must be properly sized and installed in order to work correctly.

8. How Long Does an HVAC System Last?

HVAC systems typically last between 10 and 15 years. However, proper maintenance helps extend the life of your system.

What Are Some Maintenance Tips?

9. What Are Some Maintenance Tips?

Check your air filter monthly and replace it as needed. A dirty air filter restricts airflow and causes your HVAC system to work harder than it needs to.

Have your system serviced annually by a qualified technician. This ensures that your system is operating efficiently and catches any potential problems before they become major repairs.

Keep your home well-insulated and draft-free. Good insulation and sealing keep the cool air in during the summer and the warm air in during the winter, which saves money on your energy bills.

10. Where Can I Find an HVAC Contractor?

If you’re looking for an HVAC contractor, your best bet is to ask friends or family for recommendations. You can also search online or check the yellow pages. Once you’ve found a few contractors, be sure to compare prices and services before making a final decision.

An HVAC system is a big investment, but it can offer a number of benefits to your home. By asking the right questions, you can be sure to choose the best HVAC system for your needs.


Now that you know the top questions people ask HVAC companies, let Anthem Heating & Air Conditioning help you answer all your HVAC questions. We are ready to help you with everything from residential to commercial needs. Give us a call today or visit our website for more information!

How Does a Smart Thermostat Affect Energy Conservation?

How Does a Smart Thermostat Affect Energy Conservation?

Did you know that heating and cooling make up a large portion of a household’s energy use? A smart thermostat comes in handy if you are keen on energy conservation. It helps you save money on your energy bill by learning your habits and adjusting temperatures accordingly. Not only that, but using one also positively impacts the environment by reducing energy waste.

So, exactly how does a smart thermostat work? And how does it help you save energy? Let’s take a closer look.

How Does a Smart Thermostat Work?

A smart thermostat is an energy-saving device that helps regulate the temperature in your home by learning your heating and cooling habits.

Your Thermostat Is… Well, Smart!

A smart thermostat uses sensors and algorithms to learn your ideal temperature and factors, like when you’re home or away. Instead of getting home and adjusting the temperature to your ideal settings, your smart thermostat knows when you will be home and adjusts the temperature for maximum efficiency. If you usually turn the heat down at night or when you leave for work in the morning, a smart thermostat remembers that and makes the adjustment for you.

You can control a smart thermostat remotely

You Control It Remotely!

You can also control your smart thermostat remotely via an app on your smartphone, tablet, or laptop. So, if you forget to adjust the temperature when you go for a vacation, you do not have to freak out about the electric bill! Smart thermostats are wifi enabled, allowing you to control the temperature from wherever you are.

This is especially helpful if you’ll be gone for a long time because you can ensure your home is at an energy-saving temperature the entire time.

Smart Thermostat Monitors Your Usage.

Not only does a smart thermostat learn and adjust to your habits, but it also monitors your energy usage. Smart thermostats also collect data and share it with you throughout the day. It shows you data such as:

  • How much energy you are using
  • Estimates your costs

This information helps you track patterns and make changes to see how it affects your energy bill. By analyzing your energy usage patterns, you may be able to make changes in your heating and cooling habits for even more energy savings.

How Can a Smart Thermostat Help Save You Money?

A smart thermostat does more than just monitor your usage and learn your daily patterns. Here’s how:

Detects Problems with Your HVAC System.

This smart device also alerts you to maintenance issues, like a broken HVAC system, so you can fix the problem before it results in even more costly energy usage. Also, repairing your HVAC unit ensures that it serves you for a longer time.

Reminds You of Routine Maintenance.

Smart thermostats can remind you of routine HVAC maintenance, like filter changes. This helps your HVAC system run more efficiently and can also save you money in the long run.

Helps Lower Energy Usage During Peak Hours.

Many energy companies have peak hours when energy costs are higher. A smart thermostat helps you avoid using too much energy during these times to prevent expensive bills. Remember, using a smart thermostat is not only good for your wallet, but it’s also good for the environment. So start saving!

Tips for Conserving Energy in Your Home:

Here are some more tips to help you conserve energy:

  • Unplug appliances and electronics when not in use
  • Replace lightbulbs with energy-efficient options
  • Insulate your home to keep in heat during winter and cool air during summer
  • Take shorter showers
  • Wash clothes in cold water
  • Invest in energy-efficient appliances.

By following these tips and using your smart thermostat, you will save money, conserve energy, and positively impact the environment. Also, remember to always consult with a professional for help with installation, maintenance, and troubleshooting for any smart home devices, including smart thermostats.

Where to find more information about smart thermostats

Where to Find More Information About Smart Thermostats

When it comes to maintenance and valuable information concerning your HVAC unit or how to conserve energy using your smart device, Anthem will help! We are professional HVAC technicians who provide excellent maintenance and repair services for your smart thermostat and HVAC unit. Contact us today to learn more about how a smart thermostat can save you money and energy.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, a smart thermostat can greatly impact energy conservation and save money on your energy bill. With its ability to learn patterns, monitor usage, and alert you to maintenance issues, it’s worth considering investing in one for your home.

By choosing an Energy Star-certified smart thermostat, you may also be eligible for utility rebates. And some utility companies offer discounted or even free smart thermostats to their customers. Happy saving!

Air Conditioning Maintenance: How To Replace Your AC Filters

Air Conditioning Maintenance

As the weather starts warming up, you need your AC prepped for the hot summer months. The technical term for this practice is air conditioning maintenance. Replacing air conditioner filters is one of the main standard and essential maintenance practices.

Air filters tend to accumulate a lot of dirt and debris that can affect AC performance. As such, they need to be replaced often. The benefits of replacing these filters are immense, as you will learn in this article.

How Often Should the AC Air Filter Be Changed?

It’s recommended to regularly change the air filter in your air conditioning unit. Depending on the type of air filter you have, the frequency with which you need to change the filter may vary. However, as a general rule of thumb, changing the air filter every three months is a good practice.

How to Change My Air Filters

Different air conditioning systems have different types of air filters. The type of the air filter influences its location in the system. This article focuses on changing an air filter for central HVAC systems. Always turn off the AC completely before changing the air filter. This helps avoid sucking dirt and debris into the system.

It only takes two steps to replace the air filter correctly:

  • Step #1. Locate the air filter. Filters are located either on the air return vent or the air handler.
  • Step #2. If the air filter is on the return vent, open the latch covering it to remove it and replace it with the new air filter. If the air filter is on the air handler, check the access panel where the return duct meets the unit. Remove it and replace it with the new air filter.

Always check the airflow direction to ensure you are installing the filter correctly. If your home has multi-zone air conditioning, remember to replace air filters in all vents. Finally, make sure you close the air filter housing properly after replacing them.

What Type of AC Air Filter Should I Use?

What Type of AC Air Filter Should I Use?

Several different types of air filters are available on the market, so it can be challenging to know which one to choose for your AC system. The most important thing to consider is the size of the filter and the specific needs of your HVAC system. The general air conditions in your area also helps you decide the best type of air filter to use.

Here are some of the most common types of air filters:

Pleated air filters

Pleated air filters are a good choice for people wanting a high level of filtration. They are also a good choice for people with allergies, as they remove a wide range of allergens from the air. However, pleated air filters need to be changed more frequently than other filters, so they may not be ideal for everyone.

HEPA filters

HEPA filters are designed to remove tiny particles from the air, making them an excellent choice for people with allergies or asthma. They remove up to 99.97% of air pollutants. However, HEPA filters can be more expensive than other types of filters and may need to be replaced more frequently.

Activated carbon filters

Activated carbon filters are designed to remove odors and chemicals from the air. They are a good choice for people concerned about indoor air quality. As with HEPA filters, these need to be replaced more frequently and are much more expensive.

Fiberglass filters 

Fiberglass filters are a good choice for people who want a low level of filtration. They are also a good choice for people who do not have allergies or asthma. However, fiberglass filters can be more challenging to clean than other filters and may need to be replaced more frequently.

Benefits of replacing the air filter

Benefits of replacing the air filter 

New air filters ensure clean indoor air. The air getting in through the vents contains all sorts of dirt and dust that affect indoor air quality (IAQ). Changing your air filters ensures the air is safe to breathe, especially for people with health issues.

If you have asthmatic or allergic residents, you know how important air quality is to them. This is one of the reasons you need to change these filters every so often.

Last, a dirty air filter can restrict airflow, causing your AC to work harder and leading to higher energy bills. It can also lead to ice buildup on the coils and reduced efficiency. Therefore, if you want your air conditioner to work properly and efficiently, you should change the air filters regularly.

If you live around the Coachella Valley area – Indio, Indian Wells, Palm Desert, or La Quinta – a reputable heating and air conditioning repair and provider company is nearby. Let Anthem Heating & Air help you with all your air conditioning and heating questions and needs! Visit us at or call now at (760) 895-2621.

Why Deferred Maintenance Cuts Your HVAC System’s Life in Half

Why Deferred Maintenance Cuts Your HVAC System’s Life in Half

Your HVAC system is a critical part of your home. It keeps you and your family comfortable and helps reduce energy costs by ensuring that your air conditioning system is operating at peak efficiency. But, if you don’t properly maintain your HVAC system, it could cut its life in half.

What is Deferred Maintenance?

Deferred maintenance is putting off repairs or replacement of equipment until later. This habit can have disastrous consequences for your HVAC system.

Here is what deferred maintenance does to your HVAC system:

Your HVAC System Works Harder Than Usual

When you put off routine maintenance, your system gets older and more worn down because your HVAC system works harder to do its job. When it works harder than usual, it loses some of its efficiency — and eventually stops working.

When you don’t maintain your HVAC system, you’re allowing dirt and debris to build up inside all of its internal components. This buildup causes corrosion, eventually leading to expensive repairs or even replacement of those components.

Your HVAC System’s Life Expectancy Is Cut in Half

There are many reasons why deferred maintenance on your HVAC system could cut its life in half. Here are some of the most common:

  • Dirty filters
  • Lack of refrigerant charge
  • Dirty condenser coils
  • Inefficient airflow through ductwork
  • Poorly maintained ducts and registers (air leaks)
  • Dirty evaporator coil

When you defer maintenance on your HVAC system, it causes the system to become damaged and break down more quickly than if it were maintained properly.

Higher Repair Costs

In addition, deferred maintenance leads to higher repair costs because the longer you wait to fix problems with your HVAC system, the more likely they are to become more complicated and expensive to fix.

When your system is serviced, technicians inspect the entire unit and ensure it is working properly. They’ll also perform any necessary repairs or replacements immediately so that you don’t have to deal with any expensive repairs in the future.

How Often Should You Have Your HVAC System Maintenance?

How Often Should You Have Your HVAC System Maintenance?

HVAC systems are complex, and it is vital to have them maintained once a year to ensure that everything is running smoothly and efficiently. If you live in an area with extreme weather conditions — such as humidity or cold air — you may need to have your HVAC system maintained twice a year.

It is crucial that you have your HVAC system serviced by a professional technician who understands how this type of equipment works and what steps should be taken to keep it running properly.

Professional HVAC technicians can identify any issues that are developing before they become serious problems and help prevent further HVAC complications in the future.

Why Schedule Regular HVAC Maintenance

Whether you have a standard furnace or central AC, there are many good reasons to keep up with your system’s maintenance schedule.

If you want to ensure that your HVAC system lasts for years, then you need to perform regular preventive maintenance. Here are five reasons why HVAC preventative maintenance is essential:

  1. Prevents breakdowns
  2. Ensures good indoor air quality
  3. Increase the life of your system
  4. Runs more efficiently, saving you money on energy bills
  5. Know when something needs fixing before it causes failure to your HVAC system

When Should You Service Your HVAC System?

The best time to service your HVAC unit is before you need it the most — during the fall and spring seasons. Maintenance during the fall season ensures that your HVAC system is ready for winter, while maintenance during the spring season ensures your unit will work effectively in summer. Still, some parts, such as air filters, require shorter maintenance intervals. How can you tell if your HVAC system needs maintenance?

Uncomfortable Temperatures

When your system is not cooling or heating your home as it should, it is a sign that your system is faulty, and you should have a qualified HVAC technician check it.

Higher Energy Bills

Your utility bills should remain constant under normal circumstances, and an unusual spike in your utility bills could signify that you have a faulty HVAC unit that needs maintenance.

Odor From Your HVAC Unit

A pungent or mildewy smell from your HVAC system could mean that your unit is faulty and needs the immediate attention of your HVAC technician. A mildewy smell indicates your system has mold, while a pungent, electrical smell could indicate a problem with your electrical connections.

Your HVAC Unit Is Old

If your HVAC system is older than ten years, it will need frequent repairs. You may notice that the parts fail more often, and you may need to replace your HVAC unit.

Have Your HVAC System Serviced


It’s important not to defer maintenance on your HVAC system so that you can keep it working to its optimal best. Have your unit serviced at least once per year by a professional technician who understands how your HVAC system works and what steps should be taken to keep it running properly. Lack of maintenance causes dirt and debris to build up inside its internal components causing corrosion, which eventually leads to expensive repairs or even the replacement of those components.

Make plans to have your unit checked every year to avoid uncomfortable temperatures. If you are unsure of when to perform the routine checks, do not worry. Anthem is here to help with all your heating and cooling needs. Our company also specializes in repairing, installing, and maintaining plumbing systems, heating systems, air conditioning, and air quality services.

In The Market For A Heat Pump? Check Out Our $3,000 Rebate Program!

New Heater Rebate

Has it ever occurred to you why the use of gas heat is heavily criticized today? If not, here is why. Gas heaters use natural gas as the main source of fuel. For heat to be released, natural gas has to be burned in large quantities. This releases carbon dioxide, which is believed to be the main cause of climate change. No one wants that.

Luckily, climatologists, HVAC technicians, and other stakeholders realized that switching to renewable energy sources like electricity can reduce carbon emissions significantly, thereby reducing the extent of climate change. Right now, you have the chance to participate in this movement. In return, you could end up earning up to $3,000 in rebates here in California.

TECH Rebate

The Energy Solutions TECH Rebate Program 

The Energy Solutions TECH Incentives program is designed to make it easier for customers to enjoy the benefits of new energy-efficient technologies by offering rebates on qualifying heating and cooling equipment and water heaters. It is a win-win situation where homeowners receive efficient appliances while reducing Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This $3,000 rebate is currently active, and you have a chance of getting it by switching to heat pumps.

Why Switch from Gas Heat to Heat Pumps?

There is much to gain and little to lose from switching from gas heat to heat pumps. We just saw that gas heat is harmful to the environment, non-economical, and unhealthy. On the other hand, heat pumps produce much cleaner energy which saves you money on energy bills. It gets better when you top this with a chance of earning $3,000 in incentives. More so, most gas heaters in use today have outdated technologies making them less effective at heating and cooling by today’s standards. Take a look at the various types of heat pumps and what makes them so effective.

What Types of Heat Pumps Are There? 

As the name suggests, heat pumps transfer rather than generate heat. When an enclosed area is humid, they transfer warm heat to it and repeat the process when it’s warmer. This model depends on how the heat exchange occurs. Basically, heat pumps are grouped based on the mechanisms used to exchange heat with the outdoors. There are water or ground source and air source heat pumps.

  • Air-Source Heat Pumps (ASHP) 

These types of heat pumps extract thermal energy from the outdoor air. The pumps can be powered by renewable sources such as solar or wind. While these energy sources are more expensive than gas, the output and performance of heat pumps compensates for the energy use. More so, heat pumps require minimal and inexpensive maintenance to keep them running. In more humid conditions, an ASHP could struggle with heating, so that’s where a GSHP comes in.

  • Ground Source Heat Pumps (GSHP)

GSHPs function by transferring heat between your house and the ground or a nearby water source. Given that ground temperatures are constant in most areas, GSHPs are quite effective in heating and cooling. However, this convenience is reflected in the high cost of installation associated with these types of heat pumps. However, before settling on which type to go with, seek consultation from HVAC technicians for an assessment of what best fits you.


Trends show that heat pumps are the new standard in heating and cooling systems in most modern households. Most homeowners know the benefits heat pumps have compared to gas heaters. To recap, you will be saving energy, reducing carbon emissions, and living in a safer home.

Again, this rebate program is beneficial in many ways. It’s a chance for us to give the generations to come a cleaner environment in which to thrive. The state is counting on you not only for that but also to help you save money and earn some more in return. Collectively, we can achieve carbon neutrality by 2045.


New Heater Rebate

California introduced a way for you to save energy costs, care for the environment, and get rewarded for it. How cool is that? The new Energy Solutions TECH Incentives program is a rebate program targeting mostly homeowners using inefficient HVAC systems who are willing to upgrade to more energy-efficient solutions.

If you live in the area codes that are eligible for the program, you might already be qualified for a $3,000 gas-heat rebate. However, there are guidelines controlling the issuance of the rebates, including location, type of household, and product options. Read on to learn more about the qualifications, terms, and how to apply.

TECH Rebate

Qualifications for the Energy Solutions TECH Rebates

Gas heat upgrades that can earn you a rebate are facilitated by Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) through licensed technicians. PG&E has laid down a set of terms that act as an eligibility criterion. Click here to read the terms and conditions in detail.

Qualifying customers have to be PG&E customers and be using qualifying products. Also, you will be required to apply for the rebates online after ensuring you are eligible to receive them.

A summarized process looks something like this;

  1. Ensure you are within the rebate window, which runs from January 1, 2022, through December 31, 2022.
  2. Read the terms and conditions for the energy efficiency rebates.
  3. Browse the catalog of qualifying products and pick out the products you want to use
  4. Purchase the product, get it installed before the rebate term lapses, and apply for a rebate within 60-days from the date of purchase
  5. Await communication from PG&E

Low-emissions heat pump technology is a relatively new and promising tech. But since most of the products in this category are quite expensive, the majority of homeowners are shying away.

By incentivizing, companies like PG&E are encouraging the adoption of change. This is why the rebate program is mostly targeting low-income homeowners in disadvantaged communities.

Benefits of the Rebate Program

This rebate program works the same way grocery stores reward customers for purchasing items. Who wouldn’t want to earn a cashback of $3,000? On top of this cashback, you will experience a reduction in energy bills and live in a much safer environment. These are exciting reasons why we think all qualified homeowners should take advantage of the rebate program.

Another big reason we are advocating for the rebate program is what’s in for California as a whole. In past decades, carbon emissions remained high, which has the consequences of environmental pollution. To counter this, TECH Clean California launched this rebate program to help speed up the adoption of low-emission technology that helps California achieve carbon neutrality by 2045.

Anthem Air is Participating in the Rebate Program

Energy Solutions have outsourced most of the labor by working with already existing HVAC contractors in California for several reasons. Theirs is to assist where necessary and make sure the objectives of the program are met. Our very own HVAC company, Anthem Air, is privileged to be taking part in the program. Choosing to work with us will guarantee you a big step towards getting compensated by the rebate program. Reach out to us at 760-895-2621 for more information on this or any other help with your HVAC systems.

If you live around the Coachella Valley area – Indio, Indian Wells, Palm Desert, or La Quinta – a reputable heating and air conditioning repair and provider company is nearby. Let Anthem Heating & Air help you with all your air conditioning and heating questions and needs! Visit us at or call now at (760) 895-2621.