Tips for Staying Warm During Palm Springs’ Winter Months

Tips for Staying Warm During Palm Springs' Winter Months

Winter weather can be a challenge for many homeowners in Palm Springs. With temperatures that are often below what we would consider comfortable levels, staying warm during the winter months is essential to avoid any potential discomfort and even illnesses due to extended exposure to extreme temperatures.

Fortunately, there are several things you can do as a homeowner in Palm Springs to keep your house warm throughout these colder months so that when you return from work or an afternoon out with friends, it’s not too chilly inside your abode. This blog post will provide some useful tips and advice on keeping yourself and your residence warm during the winter season – without breaking the bank.

Invest in a Quality HVAC System

As a homeowner in Palm Springs, investing in a quality HVAC system is a must. By properly heating and cooling your home with advanced HVAC technology, you can enjoy the utmost comfort even when external temperatures change drastically during the winter months.

Studies have even shown that HVAC systems with a programmable thermostat allow you to reduce overall energy consumption, making it an economical decision as well. So don’t be left out in the cold. Take control of your indoor environment while saving money in the process.

The Power of Layers

The Power of Layers

As a Palm Springs homeowner, I can definitively say that you do not want to underestimate the power of layers. Palm Springs may appear deceptively warm, but I assure you it gets surprisingly cold during the winter months. Whether you are stepping out your door or heading into town, make sure you layer up with something substantial like wool or cashmere if you want to stay warm and comfortable. This bit of advice will undoubtedly prove invaluable through the chillier seasons in Palm Springs.

Seal Out Drafts

Palm Springs homeowners need to be aware that the windy winter months can bring an unwelcome chill into their homes if they’re not prepared. Keeping your windows and doors securely shut is essential in retaining the desired temperature in your living space. A tightly sealed home will leave you feeling cozy and warm, allowing you to enjoy Palm Springs all year round without breaking a sweat. Make sure it remains that way by always double-checking your seals for holes or drafty spots.

Use a Space Heater

If you’re a Palm Springs homeowner and it’s incredibly chilly inside, look no further than the trusty space heater. These heaters are your best bet to stay warm and cozy this winter season. Just place one in whatever room you’re in, and soon you’ll feel like you’ve been transported to Palm Springs’ lovely sunnier days. All jokes aside, be sure to use your space heater safely. It will never do any good if it causes a fire instead of keeping you warm. So be sure that, while they are running, they remain attended so that your home stays safe and comfortable.

Drink Hot Beverages

Drink Hot Beverages

Palm Springs homeowners certainly know the importance of understanding the season’s changing weather patterns, and drinking warm beverages during Palm Springs’ winter months is a great way to stay comfortable while enjoying some of the area’s best attractions. Tea it up with a piping hot cup of English tea, or power up with a steaming mug of coffee. Don’t forget to add that extra shot of espresso. Even better, indulge in a chocolatey treat to help fight off old man Winter. Not only will these delicious options keep you warm, but they’ll also give your energy level a much-needed boost.


Even though it doesn’t seem like there’s a big difference between the temperatures in Palm Springs during winter and summer, residents know that the cold can be unbearable without some extra warmth. By following these tips, you’ll make it through the season while barely breaking a sweat. And if you have any questions about your HVAC system or need help maintaining it, don’t hesitate to give Anthem Heating & Air Conditioning a call. We’re happy to help our customers stay comfortable all year long.

Are Heat Pumps Effective in the Desert?

Are Heat Pumps Effective in the Desert?

If you’re a desert homeowner, you know that temperatures can often soar far beyond sweltering levels. Keeping your home comfortable during these times is important, and finding the right tool for the job can seem daunting. Heat pumps are a popular solution as they can extract heat from the outside air to keep your house cool indoors, but are they truly effective in the desert climate?

In this blog post, we’ll explore why heat pumps could be the perfect fit for keeping cool in hotter regions and some potential drawbacks. We hope to help you make an informed decision about which system best meets your needs. Read on to find out more about how heat pumps work in deserts.

How Heat Pumps Work

Heat pumps are an increasingly popular choice for home heating and cooling. They work by extracting heat from one area and transferring it to another. In the summer, heat is extracted from the inside of your home and released outside, cooling it off. Conversely, in winter, heat is extracted from the outside air and released inside your home, heating it up.

It does this using refrigerant fluid which passes through a series of components such as an outdoor heat exchanger and indoor air handler to facilitate the heat exchange. Heat pumps can help you save money on operating costs due to their efficiency relative to other heating systems. This makes them an attractive choice when selecting a heating and cooling system for your home.

Heat pumps for desert homes

Heat Pumps for Desert Homes

Heat pumps are designed to extract warmth from the outside air and transfer it inside. This process is highly effective in cooling down a home, but how does this work in hot climates? Heat pumps utilize something called a “reverse cycle” when operating in temperatures above 75°F. This means that instead of transferring warm air indoors, they actually absorb heat from the outdoor environment and pump it out of your house. It’s like having an AC unit that can both cool and heat your house, depending on the climate.

The biggest advantage of using heat pumps in desert regions is their energy efficiency. Since these systems use the ambient temperature outdoors to cool down your home, you may save money on electricity bills compared to other options. Plus, heat pumps require minimal maintenance and can last for up to 20 years when properly cared for.

However, heat pumps may not be the best solution for everyone in the desert. Some heat pump systems, depending on their size and the size of the home, cannot effectively cool down a home without running continuously. Because of this, they could end up costing more money than other air conditioning units if used incorrectly. Additionally, heat pumps struggle to perform effectively when temperatures drop below freezing. So you’ll need an alternate option during the winter months.

Things to Keep in Mind if Thinking about Getting a Heat Pump

Here are a few pros and cons of heat pumps compared to standard HVAC systems.

Pros of Heat Pumps:

1. Efficient

Heat pumps are one of the most efficient ways to heat and cool your home. They work by transferring heat from one place to another rather than generating new heat. This means that they use less energy than other heating and cooling methods, which can save you money on your energy bills.

2. Environmentally Friendly

Heat pumps are also environmentally friendly. Because they use less energy than other heating and cooling methods, they generate fewer greenhouse gases. This can help reduce your carbon footprint and make a positive impact on the environment.

3. Versatile

Heat pumps can also be used for a variety of purposes beyond heating and cooling your home. They can be used to heat water for your home, as well as to cool and dehumidify the air in your home. This makes them a versatile addition to any home.

Cons of Heat Pumps:

1. High Initial Cost

One of the biggest disadvantages of heat pumps is the high initial cost. Heat pumps are typically more expensive than other heating options, such as furnaces or boilers. The high initial cost can be a barrier for many homeowners, particularly those who are on a tight budget.

2. Limited Efficiency in Cold Weather

Another downside of heat pumps is that they are not as efficient in cold weather. This is because heat pumps rely on the outside air to provide heat, and the air is much cooler in winter than it is in summer. As a result, heat pumps cannot provide as much heat in winter as in summer, making them less comfortable for some people.

Requires Regular Maintenance

3. Requires Regular Maintenance

Heat pumps also require regular maintenance in order to keep them running properly. This includes tasks such as cleaning the coils and changing the filters. Additionally, heat pumps should be serviced by a professional every few years to ensure that they are operating at peak efficiency.


Overall, heat pumps can be an effective way of cooling your home in desert regions. However, there is no one-size-fits-all solution to staying comfortable in hot climates. Make sure you do your research before making a purchase so that you know which system is best suited to your needs. With the right heat pump, you can keep cool and save money on energy bills all year round.

If you have any questions about heating or cooling your home, contact Anthem Heating and Air Conditioning. Our goal is to help make it as easy as possible for you to acquire the right systems to make your home more comfortable and energy efficient. With this in mind, we offer a variety of financing options and can assist you with additional programs as well, such as government tax rebates and credits for efficiency-based products, including solar equipment, windows, pool pumps, and more.

Mini-Split Air Conditioners and Why You Should Buy One

Mini-Split Air Conditioners and Why You Should Buy One

Indoor temperatures affect our comfort, health, and productivity. Choosing the right cooling system makes a difference in the quality of life and overall productivity. Consider the ductless mini-split system over central air to regulate your home or office temperature. This post explains what a mini-split system is, how it works, and its advantages over the central air cooling system.

What is a Ductless Mini Split System?  

A mini-split system is a decentralized heating/cooling system that controls the temperatures in individual rooms or spaces.

The ductless mini-split system features an outdoor compressor or condenser and one or more indoor air-handling units (evaporator). The air-handling units go to the individual rooms requiring cooling and come with remote control, so you can use it to regulate temperatures.

You may mount the indoor air-handling units to a wall or suspend them from the ceiling. The outdoor unit connects to the indoor unit via a refrigerant line, so there is no ductwork when installing the mini-split systems.

How Do Mini-Split Systems Work? 

Mini-split systems are available in two options: the mini-split air conditioner and the mini-split heat pump.

The mini-split air conditioners provide cooling only, but the mini-split heat pumps cool and heat spaces.

Therefore, if you opt for the mini-split heat pump, you can switch between cooling and heating modes. For that reason, mini-split heat pumps are a popular option today.

While the mini-split heat pump costs slightly more than the mini-split air conditioner, the two feature similar functionality. The condenser and evaporator units connect using copper refrigerant lines/copper tubes.

The mini-split air conditioner and the mini-split heat pump feature a drainpipe and come with a remote controller.

Mini Split System vs. Central Air

While both the mini-split systems and the central air effectively regulate temperature, they feature some significant differences:

  • Mini-split systems are ductless, while the central units feature a duct system.
  • The ductless mini-splits use a remote to control temperatures, while the ducted central air units feature a central thermostat.
  • Central units keep the house evenly cooled to a consistent temperature, while mini-splits allow room-by-room temperature settings.
  • Central air units feature a lower upfront cost, while the operational cost is higher than the mini-splits.

What Are the Benefits of Mini-Split Systems? 

Mini-split systems make an ideal cooling and heating appliance for your home or office. They are not only efficient HVAC systems, but they also allow great flexibility and ease of installation. Here are additional benefits of mini splits over the central air units.

  • Avoids Duct Work, Hence Easy to Install 

Instead of difficult-to-install, leaky, and bulky ductwork, the ductless mini-split heat pumps connect to outdoor units via the refrigerant line. Therefore, the installer needs to make a three-inch hole through the wall during installation.

  • Allows Room-by-Room Temperature Control

Each indoor unit comes with separate remote control and phone apps, providing the room occupants with the option to customize their heating or cooling requirements. Unlike the central air unit, which has a centralized thermostat and keeps the entire space evenly cooled or heated.

  • Energy Efficient and Cuts Operational Costs

ENERGY STAR certified ductless mini-split systems deliver up to 60% cooling/heating cost-cutting compared to the conventional central air units. The energy efficiency is because these units feature sophisticated compressors and fans that adjust the speed and save energy. Besides, mini-splits allow users to switch off cooling or heating in different rooms when they do not need it.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Are Mini-Splits Good for Heating and Cooling?

The mini-split systems are ideal cooling and heating solutions for commercial and residential spaces. First, the mini-split systems are easy to install, provide zone cooling/heating, and use less energy, making them an excellent solution for HVAC needs. Besides, the mini-split units come with interior design flexibility as you can opt to mount, hand on the ceiling or go for the floor-standing options.

  • How Long Will Mini-Splits Last? 

With professional installation, proper handling, and regular maintenance, the mini-split air conditioner or mini-split heat pump can last two to three decades. Just clean the unit regularly, replace the filters when needed, and engage a professional HVAC contractor to correct maintenance procedures.

  • Do I Need a Professional to Install a Mini-Split Air Conditioner? 

Consider hiring a professional HVAC contractor during the mini-split AC installation process to avoid making errors, which could void the warranty. A professional will follow manufacturer-recommended procedures during the HVAC installation process and use the right tools.


Most of us cannot survive indoors during summer without an efficient air cooling system. Likewise, we need an efficient heating system to keep us comfortable during the winter months. Mini-split systems make a great HVAC choice. Contact the professionals to ensure you are buying the right mini-split for your home or office. An experienced HVAC expert will guide you and offer ongoing maintenance to keep your investment functioning at optimal levels.

How To Choose The Right Size Heater

How To Choose The Right Size Heater

To get the most out of your heat pump, choose the right size heater and use a professional heat pump installer.

If the heat pump is too small for your house, expect to pay more in utility bills because it runs longer to provide enough heat. Likewise, if the heat pump is too big, it emits too much heat, resulting in waste.

Therefore, knowing how to size a heat pump saves your money and ensures your home stays warm and comfortable.

This post focuses on how to choose the right size heater. We simplify how to calculate what size heat pump you need for your home.

How Do I Calculate What Size Heater I Need?

Before you learn how to size a residential heat pump, it helps if you understand the unit used for heater sizing.

Heat pump size depends on how much heat it produces per hour. British thermal unit (BTU) is the amount of energy required to heat a pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit.

Therefore, the higher the BTU rating, the more warmth you get from the heat pump.

Before purchasing a heat pump, calculate how many BTUs you need to heat the house.

According to HVAC experts, you should install one ton (12,000 BTUs) of air conditioning capacity for every 500 square feet of conditioned floor area.

Here is a chart to help you size the heat pump for your space based on square meters.

Home size (in square feet) Heat pump size (in tons) Heat pump size (in BTUs)
500 square feet 1 ton 12,000 BTUs
1,000 square feet 2 tons 24,000 BTUs
1,500 square feet 3 tons 36,000 BTUs
2,000 square feet 4 tons 48,000 BTUs
2,500 square feet 5 tons 60,000 BTUs
3,000 square feet 6 tons 72,000 BTUs


How HVAC Experts Calculate Heat Pump Size Using Manual J

HVAC experts follow a standard heat pump sizing formula, referred to as Manual J. The standards require that you go room-by-room to determine the correct heat pump size.

Manual J looks at eight factors to develop the appropriate heat pump size for your home.

They are:

  1. The local climate and how many days a year you need active heating and cooling
  2. The building’s layout, such as square footage and the shape
  3. The number and location of windows
  4. Amount of air infiltration in the house
  5. Your current insulation and whether the insulation meets the region’s efficiency rating
  6.  The number of people occupying the building.
  7.  How residents use the home and their temperature preferences
  8. Other appliances used to generate heat

While we have the formula and the guide for calculating heat pump size, it is still an overwhelming task. That is why you should talk to a professional about correct heat pump sizing.

Is a Heat Pump Better Than a Furnace?

Ideally, heat pumps use the outside air to heat a home in winter and cool it in summer. Therefore, the heat pump extracts heat from outdoor air or ground and distributes it into the home in winter. On the other hand, a furnace converts fuel (gas) into cozy heat and then distributes it throughout your home.

Compared to furnaces, heat pumps offer an energy-efficient alternative.

How Do I Calculate How Much Heat I Need For My Home?

Follow these steps:

  1. Determine the size of your home in square feet
  2. Multiply the square feet by a factor of six for BTUs/by 0.0606 for KW
  3. You will find the minimum heat output you need to keep the room heated

How Many BTUs Do I Need For a 1,700 SQ Foot House?

For every 500-square-foot house, you need 12,000 BTUs. Therefore for a 1,700 SQ Foot house, you need approximately 36,000 to 48,000 BTUs.


Now you understand how to size a heat pump for your home. If you live around the Coachella Valley area – Indio, Indian Wells, Palm Desert, or La Quinta – a reputable heating and air conditioning repair company is nearby.


Let Anthem Heating & Air help you with all your air conditioning and heating questions and needs! Visit us at or call now at (760) 895-2621.

How to Make Your Heater More Efficient

Are you ready to increase your heater efficiency

Summary: While striving to stay healthy, it is often a nightmare to have a malfunctioning heater in winter. Irrespective of your furnace type, this article discusses simple ways to keep your heating system efficient and shares tips for lasting improvement.

Even if you live in the Coachella Valley area, you still need to get ready for the freezing winter days. Thus, you need a comforting, warm atmosphere in your home. The solution is often a central gas furnace designed to generate and blow heated air into your living space.

Since replacing an old HVAC can be pricey, the best option is to make the existing gas furnace efficient.

We discuss four simple ways to improve the efficiency of your gas furnace and share tips on switching to a more efficient heating system.


Hire a Competent HVAC technician

HVAC installation is a costly home improvement expense, and you need a competent technician to handle it for efficiency. One important job of a furnace technician is conducting regular preventive maintenance on your heating system.

With a professional heating system inspection once a year, usually before the heating season, you can keep your family safe.

Ensure the Installation Structure is Perfect

In the hand of a competent HVAC technician, your system will be checked for structural efficiency, and the following tasks will be performed:

  • Seal the seams

Research shows that 20% of heated air is lost due to avoidable leaks. Upon the annual furnace inspection, any seam leaks need sealing to prevent warm air loss.

  • Ensure proper insulation

Due to old age, the ductwork seal and insulation will leave some gaps for heated air to escape. Your technician will find the affected insulation error and fix it to conserve heat.

  • Update the thermostat

There is no guaranteeing efficiency of an old thermostat. Where the device is faulty or inefficient, it could lead to inefficiency in the heat distribution. An experienced HVAC technician can detect a faulty or malfunctioning thermostat and fix it.

Regular maintenance

For continued efficiency, you should maintain your furnace regularly. For maintenance, you need to do the following:

  • Change the air filter

A dirty or worn filter in a furnace can heavily reduce efficiency. Follow your HVAC technician or the equipment manufacturer’s recommendation on cleaning or changing the filter. The rule of the thumb is to observe the three months cleaning or replacing of filters.

  • Clean the vents

The vents are outlets where the heated air enters your living space. It is recommended to clean these vents and remove any obstructions for efficiency.

  • Clean the furnace

It is important to clean your furnace system at least once yearly. This process eliminates any debris or dirt that has accumulated in the system over time.

Upgrade to electric heat pumps

  • Why upgrade?

Generally, you shouldn’t expect 100% efficiency from an old system. The best you can get after you have diligently followed all of the above-suggested activities is 98.5% efficiency. However, you can dramatically make your system new by upgrading to more efficient equipment like the electric heat pumps.

  • Why switch to electric heat pumps?

Electric heat pumps are efficient modern home heating technology. While the gas system is known and widely used, electric heat pumps are the best alternative with many benefits, including less electricity consumption and savings on running costs!

Due to its eco-friendly nature, it is highly recommended for good health and a happy home. The best part is the incentives! In California, there is a $3,000 rebate program to encourage homeowners willing to switch.


Are you ready to increase your heater efficiency?

If you live in the Coachella Valley area and are ready to improve the efficiency of your heating system, ANTHEM can help. Also, you can talk to them about switching to electric heat pumps to benefit from the ongoing rebate!

Anthem is a locally owned and operated HVAC company with over two decades of quality industry experience. Call now (760) 895-2621 to discuss the efficiency of your heater.

Upgrade From Gas Heat To A Heat Pump And Qualify For A $3,000 Rebate!

Upgrade to Heat Pump

Making the switch from gas heat to a heat pump could mean big savings on your energy bills! Not only that, but you could also qualify for a $3,000 rebate by making the switch. If your home has gas heat, upgrading to a heat pump could be the perfect solution for keeping your energy bills under control and still enjoying all of the benefits that come with heating your house and helping the environment.

Benefits of a Heat Pump vs. Gas

There are a number of benefits to upgrading to an electric heat pump. First and foremost, electric heat pumps are much more energy-efficient than gas heating systems. They help you save a lot of money on your energy bills. Additionally, electric heat pumps don’t produce any emissions, making them a more environmentally friendly option than gas heating. Finally, electric heat pumps often come with warranty and rebate programs, making them a more affordable option in the long run.

Cost of Electric Heat Pumps vs. Gas Heat

When it comes to comparing the costs of gas and electric heat pumps, it’s important to consider a few different factors. First, electric heat pumps are often cheaper to buy and install. The average price for a new gas heater is between $1,200 and $2,400, while an electric heat pump is generally in the range of $700 to $2,000. Installation for a natural furnace can range around $5,500, while an electric heat pump installation is often around $3,000.

The monthly cost of operating a furnace is often less than an electric heat pump; however, a homeowner must also take the improved efficiency of the heat pump into consideration. Plus, California is offering amazing incentives to switch to heat pumps as a way to balance out the cost.

Ultimately, the best way to determine which type of heat pump is right for your home is to compare the costs and benefits of both options. Contact a local contractor to learn more about the cost and efficiency of electric vs. gas heating systems.

TECH Rebate
Heat pump rebate

What is the California rebate for upgrading to an Electric Heat Pump?

The Energy Solutions TECH Incentives program is designed to make it easier for customers to enjoy the benefits of new energy-efficient technologies by offering rebates on qualifying heating and cooling equipment and water heaters. It is a win-win situation where homeowners receive efficient appliances while also reducing Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This $3,000 rebate is currently active, and if you currently have gas heat, you can qualify and take advantage of this amazing deal.

More About Heat Pumps

-Heat pumps last longer than furnaces. The lifespan of a gas heating system is about 10 to 20 years, while an electric heat pump lifespan is about 20 to 30 years.

-Gas heaters need a chimney, ducts and vents throughout the home. Electric heat pump installation is easier as their designs are simpler.

-Air quality in the home is often better with electric heat systems. With gas furnaces, there is always the worry of carbon monoxide exposure.

-Electric heat pumps are quieter than gas furnaces.

-Heat pumps require less maintenance since they have no burner to inspect or clean annually.

Install an Electric Heat Pump in Your Home

In today’s world, it can sometimes seem as though there are more negatives to the “old way of doing things.” If you install a gas heating system in your home and want to make sure that you enjoy all the benefits that come with electric heat pump systems but don’t want to pay for expensive installation or any other upfront costs, then we have good news! The Energy Solutions TECH Incentives program is designed to help qualifying homeowners receive rebates on qualifying heating and cooling equipment and water heaters. This $3,000 rebate covers an entire new electric heat pump system for your house — gas furnaces just aren’t worth it anymore! Contact Anthem Heating and Cooling today about upgrading from gas to electric!

If you live around the Coachella Valley area – Indio, Indian Wells, Palm Desert, or La Quinta – a reputable heating and air conditioning repair and provider is nearby.

Let Anthem Heating & Air help with all your air conditioning and heating questions and needs! Visit us at or call now at (760) 895-2621.

In The Market For A Heat Pump? Check Out Our $3,000 Rebate Program!

New Heater Rebate

Has it ever occurred to you why the use of gas heat is heavily criticized today? If not, here is why. Gas heaters use natural gas as the main source of fuel. For heat to be released, natural gas has to be burned in large quantities. This releases carbon dioxide, which is believed to be the main cause of climate change. No one wants that.

Luckily, climatologists, HVAC technicians, and other stakeholders realized that switching to renewable energy sources like electricity can reduce carbon emissions significantly, thereby reducing the extent of climate change. Right now, you have the chance to participate in this movement. In return, you could end up earning up to $3,000 in rebates here in California.

TECH Rebate

The Energy Solutions TECH Rebate Program 

The Energy Solutions TECH Incentives program is designed to make it easier for customers to enjoy the benefits of new energy-efficient technologies by offering rebates on qualifying heating and cooling equipment and water heaters. It is a win-win situation where homeowners receive efficient appliances while reducing Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This $3,000 rebate is currently active, and you have a chance of getting it by switching to heat pumps.

Why Switch from Gas Heat to Heat Pumps?

There is much to gain and little to lose from switching from gas heat to heat pumps. We just saw that gas heat is harmful to the environment, non-economical, and unhealthy. On the other hand, heat pumps produce much cleaner energy which saves you money on energy bills. It gets better when you top this with a chance of earning $3,000 in incentives. More so, most gas heaters in use today have outdated technologies making them less effective at heating and cooling by today’s standards. Take a look at the various types of heat pumps and what makes them so effective.

What Types of Heat Pumps Are There? 

As the name suggests, heat pumps transfer rather than generate heat. When an enclosed area is humid, they transfer warm heat to it and repeat the process when it’s warmer. This model depends on how the heat exchange occurs. Basically, heat pumps are grouped based on the mechanisms used to exchange heat with the outdoors. There are water or ground source and air source heat pumps.

  • Air-Source Heat Pumps (ASHP) 

These types of heat pumps extract thermal energy from the outdoor air. The pumps can be powered by renewable sources such as solar or wind. While these energy sources are more expensive than gas, the output and performance of heat pumps compensates for the energy use. More so, heat pumps require minimal and inexpensive maintenance to keep them running. In more humid conditions, an ASHP could struggle with heating, so that’s where a GSHP comes in.

  • Ground Source Heat Pumps (GSHP)

GSHPs function by transferring heat between your house and the ground or a nearby water source. Given that ground temperatures are constant in most areas, GSHPs are quite effective in heating and cooling. However, this convenience is reflected in the high cost of installation associated with these types of heat pumps. However, before settling on which type to go with, seek consultation from HVAC technicians for an assessment of what best fits you.


Trends show that heat pumps are the new standard in heating and cooling systems in most modern households. Most homeowners know the benefits heat pumps have compared to gas heaters. To recap, you will be saving energy, reducing carbon emissions, and living in a safer home.

Again, this rebate program is beneficial in many ways. It’s a chance for us to give the generations to come a cleaner environment in which to thrive. The state is counting on you not only for that but also to help you save money and earn some more in return. Collectively, we can achieve carbon neutrality by 2045.