Solving Your Leaking Tub Faucet: A Handy DIY Guide

faucet in tub leaking

Ever had that annoying drip-drip sound from your tub faucet keep you up at night? That small, relentless leak may seem harmless but let me tell you – it’s more than just an irritating noise.

That little drip could turn into a waterfall before you know it. It can cause significant water wastage and if left unchecked, might even damage your beautiful bathroom decor.

You’re probably wondering: “Can I fix this myself?” The answer is yes! With the right tools in hand and some basic knowledge of different faucets, anyone can become a DIY plumber.

In this guide, we’ll walk through identifying your faucet type to understanding when it’s time to call for professional help. We’ll also dive deep into prevention measures because after all, who wants to deal with leaks again?

So, are you all set to tackle that annoying leak? Let’s get it done!

Table Of Contents:

Understanding the Problem of a Leaking Tub Faucet

A leaking tub faucet might seem like a small issue, but it’s more than just an annoying drip. It can waste gallons of water over time and drive up your utility bill.

The problem often lies in worn-out parts within the faucet. For example, a deteriorated rubber washer or seal can fail to block water flow when the tap is turned off. This Family Handyman guide explains this common cause in detail.

Faucets also come with different mechanisms: compression, cartridge, or ball-type faucets each having their unique setup and potential issues that could lead to leaks. Gaining an understanding of the faucet type is essential prior to attempting any repairs.

Beyond damage control, letting a leak persist may cause bigger problems down the line – think rusting pipes or even structural damage from prolonged exposure to moisture.

Identifying the Type of Faucet

Ball faucets are single-handle models identifiable by their round cap right above the base of the faucet spout. A sure sign is if your handle rotates 360 degrees.

Cartridge faucets, on the other hand, may have one or two handles but do not rotate all around. They move up and down to control water flow.

The third type, compression faucets, are generally found in older homes. These old-school models use separate handles for hot and cold water.

Basic Tools Required for Fixing a Leaky Faucet

Basic Tools Required for Fixing a Leaky Faucet

Having the right tools can make all the difference between a successful DIY plumbing job and a costly professional repair. Just like how an artist needs their brushes and paints, you’ll need your trusty set of tools.

An adjustable wrench is essential. It’s as vital as bread in making sandwiches. This tool will help you loosen or tighten parts that are hard to reach or stubbornly stuck.

A tubing cutter, on the other hand, is useful if you’re dealing with copper pipes. Think of it as scissors for metal tubes.

Last but not least, keep some thread seal tape. It’s similar to using duct tape when packing boxes; this seals connections ensuring no leaks escape.

  • All these basic tools aren’t just good-to-have items—they’re must-haves. Remember: being prepared means half-won battles against leaky faucets.

Step-by-Step Guide to Fixing a Leaky Tub Faucet

Step 1: Gather Supplies

Collect all the necessary tools and replacement parts before starting the repair.

Step 2: Turn Off Water Supply

Locate the water shut-off valves for your bathtub and turn them off. If there are no dedicated shut-off valves, turn off the main water supply for your home.

Step 3: Remove the Faucet Handle

  • Use a screwdriver to remove the handle’s decorative cap or cover. Some covers might pop off easily, while others might require a bit of prying.
  • Once the cover is removed, unscrew and remove the handle. Set these parts aside carefully.

Step 4: Examine the Cartridge or Valve

  • Inspect the faucet’s interior for the cartridge or valve. This component controls water flow and may need replacement or repair.
  • Some faucets have cartridges that can be removed by hand or with pliers. Others may require a specific tool.

Step 5: Replace Damaged Parts

  • If the cartridge is worn out or damaged, carefully remove it and replace it with a new one. Follow manufacturer instructions or consult a plumbing expert if unsure.
  • Check O-rings, washers, or seals for damage. If necessary, replace these parts with new ones.

Step 6: Apply Plumber’s Tape

  • Wrap the new plumber’s tape around any threaded areas of the faucet assembly to ensure a tight seal.
  • Be sure not to overdo it with the tape; a few layers wrapped in the direction of the threads should suffice.

Step 7: Reassemble the Faucet

  • Put the repaired or replaced parts back into place in the reverse order of how you disassembled them.
  • Tighten everything securely but avoid over-tightening, as this might cause damage.

Step 8: Turn On Water Supply

  • Turn the water supply back on slowly and check for leaks.
  • Initially, keep the handle in the off position to test for leaks before fully reopening the faucet.

Step 9: Test the Faucet

  • Turn the faucet on slowly and check for any leaks or drips.
  • If there are still leaks, try tightening connections or rechecking the replaced parts for proper installation.

Step 10: Reassemble the Handle

  • Once you’ve confirmed there are no leaks, reattach the handle and decorative cap or cover.

Step 11: Clean Up

  • Clean any excess plumber’s tape or residue from the faucet and surrounding areas.
  • Dispose of any old parts and packaging.

When to Call a Professional Plumber

When to Call a Professional Plumber

Dealing with a leaking tub faucet can be tricky. While minor leaks might get fixed by DIY methods, not all situations are the same.

If you notice constant dripping even after trying to fix it yourself or if the leak is causing significant water damage, that’s your cue. You need professional help at this point because their expertise will prevent more harm from happening.

A professional plumber has years of experience and training under his belt which lets him diagnose complex issues quickly. So don’t hesitate; when in doubt, reach out.

Predicting Future Problems

Besides fixing existing problems, plumbers can also predict future ones due to their experience. They’re like doctors for your plumbing system – they’ll spot potential trouble before it starts showing symptoms. This way you save money on costly repairs down the line.

In short: Trying to handle everything alone may seem tempting but remember – just as Rome wasn’t built in a day, nor was its plumbing.

Preventive Measures to Avoid Faucet Leaks

Maintaining your tub faucet can help prevent leaks before they start. Perform regular inspections to identify any potential damage, such as cracks, rust, or mineral deposits.

Get into the habit of gently turning off faucets instead of forcefully twisting them shut. This can extend the life of your faucet’s components and prevent leaks from developing.

You should also consider installing water leak detectors under sinks. They alert you if there’s moisture where it shouldn’t be so you can fix small issues before they become big problems.


Well, you’ve made it! No more nights disturbed by the tub faucet leaking.

You now know the importance of identifying your faucet type and gathering the right tools before diving into repairs.

Tackling leaks step-by-step? You’re covered. Knowing when to call a pro? You got that too.

And let’s not forget prevention – because who wants to go through this again?

In short, we hope this guide has equipped you with all you need to keep your bathroom leak-free!

If you have any questions or need an estimate on your plumbing, give Anthem a call today. (951) 389-5151  for Inland Empire and (760) 895-2621 for the Coachella Valley.

How to Find a Local Plumber Near Me: Essential Tips

How to Find a Local Plumber Near Me: Essential Tips

How do I find a reliable local plumber near me? It’s a question that many homeowners in the Coachella Valley often grapple with. It’s one that we also asked.
Recently my dad needed a plumber for some work he was getting done at his home. He called four or five plumbers and was told by two of them that they could not even come out to look at the job for over a week.  A third came out to look at the job, but he was unable to start the work for another two weeks!  When the work was finally done, the work was done properly, but the plumber left a mess. He had fair customer service but very poor communication. We saw a need for a quality plumbing company in the Desert and Riverside area.

We have worked very hard to create an HVAC company that focuses on great customer service, quality work, and top-of-the-line communication with customers. We focus on making sure that we take care of the little details, no matter how large or small the job is.  We know that there is a need and want for this same service with plumbing.

We will give customers top service in a timely manner, just like we do with our HVAC customers.

Identifying a Qualified Local Plumber

Finding the right plumber in Coachella Valley or Inland Empire may seem like a challenge. But not all plumbing professionals are alike. So, how can you distinguish reliable professionals from the rest?

Importance of hiring a licensed and insured plumber

A reliable local plumber should hold proper licensure and insurance coverage. This ensures they meet state regulations for safety standards, giving you peace of mind. You can verify credentials by checking the California State License Board’s online database.

The value of ongoing education within the plumbing industry

An ideal plumber should also stay up-to-date on current trends in the plumbing industry through continuous learning. They might attend workshops or take advanced courses offered by professional organizations like Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors Association (PHCC). A well-educated plumber will be equipped with the latest knowledge and techniques, leading to more efficient service delivery.

And many reputable plumbers have completed an apprenticeship program before passing their licensure exam. So, experience counts too.

In summary, when looking for a qualified local plumber near you, consider their licensing status, insurance coverage, educational background, and experience level. By doing so, you’re ensuring quality workmanship at fair pricing. No more plumbing nightmares.

Understanding Plumbing Services

Understanding Plumbing Services

Plumbers offer a wide range of services that homeowners may need at different times. From unclogging drains to replacing pipe systems, they’ve got you covered.

Common services offered by plumbers

  • Drain Cleaning: Say goodbye to clogs caused by food debris, grease, or random objects. Plumbers will save the day.
  • Pipe Repair/Replacement: When metal pipes start corroding, plumbers come to the rescue. No more leaks or bursts.
  • Toilet Repairs: A constantly flowing toilet is not only annoying, but it could also be a sign of bigger plumbing problems. Plumbers will fix it in a jiffy.

Advanced tools used in modern plumbing

Plumbers nowadays have fancy gadgets like hydro jets to blast away blockages and video cameras to inspect drain lines. They even use trenchless sewer repair to minimize property damage during major repairs.

Estimating Plumbing Costs

The expense of employing plumbers in the Coachella Valley can be drastically different depending on multiple elements. Figuring out these components will assist you in planning your finances accurately for any plumbing services that need to be done.

Average repair costs for typical plumbing issues

Repairs that are more extensive may cost between one thousand and three thousand dollars. For instance, replacing a sewer line or installing a new water heater often falls within this range. Fixing a leaky tap or unclogging a drain usually costs around one to three hundred dollars. Check out HomeAdvisor’s guide on average plumbing costs for more detailed information.

Factors affecting pricing structure

Different plumbers may have different pricing structures based on their expertise and the complexity of the job. Some charge hourly rates, while others prefer flat rates per job. Emergency services usually come with higher fees because, well, they’re emergencies.

In addition to labor costs, materials used during repairs or installations also contribute significantly to total expenses. High-quality parts tend to last longer but are pricier than standard ones. It’s an investment in the future.

And hey, don’t forget to ask about warranties. They provide added security against future problems. Especially important for major projects like pipe replacements. Gotta protect that financial investment, you know?

Preparing For Emergency Situations

As a resident of the Coachella Valley, you must be aware that emergency situations can arise unexpectedly. Whether it’s a burst pipe or a clogged drain, being prepared is key to avoiding a plumbing pain.

Essential DIY tools every homeowner should own

To tackle minor plumbing issues yourself, there are some must-have DIY tools. These include:

  • A set of wrenches for tightening and loosening pipes.
  • A plunger for unclogging toilets and drains.
  • Teflon tape (also known as plumber’s tape) for sealing pipe threads against leaks.

And don’t forget to keep spare parts like washers and O-rings at home too. They’re handy for dealing with leaky faucets or showerheads.

When is it necessary to call a professional?

In cases that require specialized skills and equipment, it’s best to call a professional. It could be anything from replacing water heaters to fixing sewer lines – tasks that need specialized skills and equipment. In such cases, don’t hesitate to reach out to local plumbers near you who specialize in emergency repairs.

The key here is not to wait until things get worse before calling in help; early detection often means less costly repairs. So if something seems off with your plumbing system – like a significant drop in water pressure or an unusual smell from your drains – contact professionals right away instead of playing the DIY game.

Choosing Your Local Plumber Wisely

Choosing Your Local Plumber Wisely

Finding a reliable local plumber near you doesn’t have to be daunting. When searching online platforms, consider businesses that adhere to BBB Standards for Trust. These standards ensure they meet the minimum expectations within the industry sector, providing peace of mind during your selection process.

Using Online Platforms To Find Accredited Local Plumbers Near Your Area

With the internet, finding certified plumbers in Coachella Valley and beyond is now a simple task. Websites like HomeAdvisor or Angie’s List can help you locate accredited plumbers in your area. Remember, don’t just go with the first name that pops up on Google search results; take time to research each potential hire thoroughly.

Evaluating Potential Hires Through Reviews, Ratings, Professionalism, and Responsiveness

Once you’ve shortlisted some options, delve deeper into their customer reviews and ratings. Pay attention not only to what customers say about their work quality but also to how responsive they are when issues arise. Ask yourself questions regarding potential hires’ professionalism and responsiveness toward customer needs.

Apart from this, word-of-mouth recommendations remain a trustworthy way of finding reputable service providers. If friends or family members had positive experiences with certain plumbers, chances are high you will too.

Selecting someone experienced who offers a fair pricing structure based on job size and duration, rather than opting for the cheapest option available, could potentially lead to subpar results in the long run.

A good practice is always starting with smaller projects first to see how the contractor performs, then gradually move on to larger ones once trust has been established between both parties.


When it comes to plumbing, finding a local plumber near you is as important as finding your car keys when you’re late for work.

Hiring a licensed and insured professional plumber is like putting on a superhero cape – they’ll save the day and your pipes.

Make sure your plumber is up-to-date on the latest techniques and technologies because nobody wants a plumber who’s stuck in the Stone Age.

Knowing the common plumbing services and the fancy tools plumbers use is like having a secret decoder ring for your pipes.

Estimating repair costs and being prepared for emergencies is like having a plumber on speed dial – it’s a lifesaver.

Use online platforms to find accredited plumbers near you because finding a plumber through a game of hide-and-seek is not fun.

Check out reviews, ratings, professionalism, and responsiveness to make sure your plumber is a true pro and not just a wannabe.

If you have any questions or need an estimate on your plumbing, give Anthem a call today. (951) 389-5151  for Inland Empire and (760) 895-2621 for the Coachella Valley.