HVAC Frequently Asked Questions

HVAC FAQs Maintenance


An HVAC system seems like magic to most people. The idea of the same machine blowing warm and cool air seems out of this world. But if you are a homeowner, you need to see HVAC as beyond magic and learn more about the unique system. This article answers some HVAC frequently asked questions. Read on to get answers!

The U.S. Department of Energy says 75% of homes use the air conditioner. Whether you are new or familiar with HVAC, understanding how the cooling and heating system works is beneficial.

Since HVAC comprises many components, it is important to know the basics if you want to tap in to the benefits. For easy understanding, we break down HVAC FAQs into four categories: Introductory, Purchasing, Operation, and Maintenance.

While we cannot cover every possible question, here are the six most frequently asked questions in each category.

HVAC FAQs: Introductory

This category helps beginners get to know about the equipment.

1. What Is an HVAC?

HVAC means heating, ventilation, and air conditioning – a system that regulates and distributes cooled and heated air for your comfort in residential and commercial buildings.

2. How Do HVAC Systems Work?

HVAC works using a forced-air system. It forces hot or cold air through the ducts using a blower. The temperature of the air being forced through depends on whether it is using an air conditioner or a furnace.

Understanding how HVAC works revolves around nine parts: air return, compressor, exhaust outlets, filter, ducts, outdoor unit, electrical elements, coils, and blower.

3. Do HVACs Run on Electricity or Gas?

It uses electricity and gas to deliver cooled or heated air to a building. For cooling your home, it uses electricity, and for heating, it uses gas.

4. What Are the Most Common Types of HVAC Systems?

Four main types of HVACs are on the market, including Split systems, duct-free systems, hybrid systems, and packaged heating and air systems.

5. How Durable Is My HVAC System?

HVACs are long-lasting, up to 25 years. However, you can achieve an even longer duration with proper maintenance handled by a competent technician.

6. What’s the Difference Between HVAC and AC?

HVAC is a machine that delivers heated and cooled air and comprises an AC unit. Most people find it more convenient to say AC. Therefore, the term is used interchangeably.

HVAC FAQs Purchasing

HVAC FAQs: Purchasing

HVACs come in different sizes and capacities. Before you purchase one, be sure it is the right one. The following questions relate to purchasing the best HVAC for your home.

1. What should I consider before buying an HVAC system for my home?

Talk of killing two birds with one stone! It’s a high utility comfort provider that covers both hot and cold seasons. There is value for money, including good warranties, low energy bills, and the availability of high-quality maintenance professionals.

2. What brand of HVAC system is best for my home?

Most HVAC makers endeavor to deliver top-grade products. However, there are brands with superior products, and it’s best to work with a reliable HVAC company to recommend the best.

3. If I replace my outdoor unit, do I need to replace my indoor unit? 

The short answer is – yes! It is usually recommended to replace both for several reasons, including the differences in age of the units and unit mismatch leading to reduced efficiency and performance. You can get a warranty covering the entire system with a repair cost advantage when you buy both units.

4. What Size Air Conditioner Do I Need?

It is important to buy the right size of HVAC for your home. Buying the wrong size could end up wasting money. You can only determine the right size by knowing your home’s BTU (British thermal unit). Ideally, it is best to contact your HVAC company or technician for guidance.

5. How do I know if my HVAC unit is under warranty?

The warranty for your unit is often found on the label located on the outer surface of the equipment. Your equipment is likely to be under warranty for less than five years. Ideally, talk to your AC technician for a guide.

6. How do I find the best HVAC contractor?

Finding the best HVAC contractor is easy with the internet. However, you can ask friends and relations to refer trusted ones. We advise you to do your due diligence before choosing a technician. Conduct your research by reviewing the recommended list to ensure they are good.

HVAC FAQs: Operation

The secret to a long-lasting HVAC is in how you use it. When you know what to do, you can extend the lifespan of your equipment, enjoy greater benefits, and save money.

1.      How do I know if my HVAC system is operating safely?

Compare the air blowing out and the air going back in to determine the efficiency of your equipment. For peace of mind, try working with a certified HVAC technician to conduct a specific test to determine your AC’s performance.

He needs to check the indoor humidity, find strange smells, checks thermostat accuracy, and listen to strange noises. Apart from feeling the temperature that you can do yourself, accurate detection for operating safety is what a technician is trained to do.

2. Does adjusting a thermostat up or down really save money on energy bills?

Yes, it can save money on energy bills! The thermostat impacts HVAC energy consumption. A smart thermostat with the ability to turn on and off the AC helps to optimize equipment use and save money.

3. What is a zoning system?

A zoning system segments your air conditioning system to help control the temperature in each segment. If your house has a room with many windows that needs more cooled air than other rooms, a zoning system allows you to control air distribution for efficiency judiciously.

The goal is to have air quality and efficiency in your HVAC.

4. What can I do to improve indoor air quality?

Using a cooling system helps regulate humidity and promote indoor air quality. While eliminating sources of pollution does improve air quality, an efficiently working HVAC can improve the air you breathe.

5. It’s hot out, and my air conditioner won’t turn on. What should I do?

There are several explanations as to why your AC might not turn on even if it is hot out. It could be a problem with the power source – compressor handler switches, thermostat batteries, or circuit breaker. If you are not handy, the best thing to do is to call your AC technician to troubleshoot the problem and fix it.

6. How can I save energy without investing in new systems?

Energy-saving can be achieved by maintaining a proper HVAC operation and maintenance culture. A smart thermostat can keep your equipment running optimally without wasting any resources. It’s wise to talk to a professional HVAC technician to walk you through keeping your system running efficiently.

HVAC FAQs: Maintenance

Everything in life needs proper maintenance, and your HVAC is not an exception. When you maintain your HVAC regularly, you’ll benefit immensely from it.

1. What’s the best way to extend the life of my unit? 

When you adopt regular maintenance and efficient use of your equipment, you can extend its lifespan. Many homeowners who use professional HVAC specialists keep their units running efficiently for longer periods!

2. How often should I clean or replace air filters in my unit?

Regular cleaning of the filters promotes HVAC efficiency. Experts advise cleaning your filters at least once a year with minimal use. The best thing to do is talk to a professional AC technician to guide you on the best timing for cleaning your filters.

3. How often should I have my unit serviced? 

Regular check-ups of your equipment helps mitigate any problem waiting to interrupt the smooth running of your HVAC. It is best to allow a competent HVAC technician to develop a scheduled maintenance plan.

4. What is a SEER rating? Why should I know about it?

SEER means Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. The rating determines HVAC efficiency calculated by the cooling output divided by the total energy used in a typical cooling period. Knowledge of the SEER rating reveals potential energy costs and creates a more friendly energy cost plan.

5. How can I detect AC refrigerant leaks?

Refrigerant leakage is a common AC problem, and early detection saves you money and prevents discomfort. There are several ways to detect Freon leakages, but it is better to call a professional HVAC technician when your AC isn’t cooling as it should.

6. Why is my furnace leaking?

Furnace leakage is a common problem, and it’s an emergency that requires prompt attention. The leak could be due to the breakdown of major parts, and you need a competent HVAC technician to detect and fix it.

HVAC Frequently Asked Questions, FAQs

Do You Have Any Unanswered Questions?

Understandably, the above are just a few questions out of many on your mind. If your question is not answered, Anthem professional HVAC technicians are happy to answer them.

Anthem is a heating and air conditioning company based in the Inland Empire and Coachella Valley areas. Give us a call today to answer all your HVAC questions.

Should I Repair or Replace an Old Air Conditioner?

Repair or replace ac


What to Consider When Deciding Whether to Repair or Replace Your Air Conditioner

An air conditioner is an important appliance that keeps your home cool and comfortable. A malfunctioning air conditioner can be more than just inconvenient — it can be hazardous to your health.

There are times when it is not clear whether or not you should repair the unit or replace it. This article explores some of the advantages and disadvantages to help you make a decision.


If the air conditioner is within its warranty period, you may want to get it repaired rather than risk getting a new one that may not last very long either. If the repairs are more expensive than the cost of a new unit, however, then you might want to consider getting a new one.

Repairing vs Replacing an AC Unit: Pros and Cons

Repairing an AC unit can be costly as it requires a professional to come to your home. It will, however, help you save on the cost of a new one.

On the other hand, replacing an AC unit is more convenient as you do not need to take time off work or wait for someone to come to your home.

However, there is a chance that the new machine may break down soon after installation, and if this happens, then you will have wasted most of your money on the installation.

How to Tell if You Need Your AC Unit Replaced

An air conditioner is the best way to cool down a room and allow people to be comfortable when it’s hot outside. So, when an AC unit stops working, it can be very frustrating. However, not all air conditioners need to be replaced. Here are some things you should know when deciding whether or not you need to replace your AC unit:

-Do I have an energy-efficient unit? If so, they may last up to 20 years, and they typically only need maintenance.

-Do I have a standard unit? These units typically last 7-12 years, and they don’t require much maintenance except for the occasional filter change or cleaning.

-Do I have a high-efficiency unit? These units last 10-15 years and don’t require much maintenance, either.

How Much Does It Cost to Repair or Replace an A/C Unit?

Air conditioners and refrigerators are necessary to maintain a comfortable environment in the house. They maintain the right temperature and provide good ventilation. If you’re reading this article, the chances are that your AC unit has stopped working, and you’re thinking about what you should do next. But before we get into what to do, let’s talk about how much it costs to repair or replace an AC unit.

Many factors affect how much it costs to repair or replace an AC unit. The type of AC unit, where it is in your house, if there is a warranty, etc., all have a say in the final price. There are also different ways in which you can go about repairing or replacing your AC Unit. Buying a new high-efficiency unit might be more efficient, and the money you save on electricity or energy might help offset the monthly payments.

When it’s hot and humid outside, it’s important to have a functional AC Unit in your home. If you’re looking for someone in the area to provide AC services, then you should contact a professional company like Anthem Heating and Air Conditioning. It is located in the Coachella Valley and services Coachella to Palm Springs, including Riverside.

Call Anthem today and ask for an energy check-up to help you decide if you should repair or replace. They will provide the facts so you can make an informed decision. Let’s face it, when it’s triple digits in the Coachella Valley or nearing 100° in Riverside, the last thing you want is an air conditioner not doing the job.

How to Pay for New AC with Energy Savings



How much does it cost to replace my AC, and can it be financed? These are questions we hear often. The answer lies in the efficiency of your air conditioning system.

Let me explain…

It costs between $7,000 and $15,000 to install a new HVAC. Of course, the cost depends on the type and capacity of the equipment. Also, your choice of air conditioning system will depend on the size of your house or office. This is a lot of money for a new HVAC. Even the unit AC system is pricey.

Considering the cost of a new HVAC, your best option for paying it is with energy savings! When your AC works efficiently, you save a huge sum of money on electricity bills during the year. If you add up what you would save over time, you could easily pay for a new AC.

The Makeup of an HVAC System

Your HVAC system is composed of different components. Some of these parts are inside your home. The other parts are located outside.

These are the main components of an HVAC system:

  • Outdoor unit

As the name suggests, these are located outside your home. This unit houses the compressor, coil, condenser, and fan.

  • Indoor unit

This unit consists of the evaporator coil, furnace, air-handling unit, and air blower. Its job is to absorb heat and cool your home. They are often located in the basement or a closet.

  • Refrigerating lines

The connector between the outdoor and indoor units is the refrigeration lines. This component carries and circulates Freon, responsible for removing the hot air in your home.

  • Ductwork

The ductwork distributes air around your home from room to room. It connects to the vents that release cooled air in your rooms. This component comprises both the inflow and outflow of air ducts for the efficient running of your AC system.

  • Thermostat

This component gives you the power to control how your AC system works. The device communicates with your HVAC to instruct the system to the desired temperature.

No matter your type of HVAC system, whether split, mini-split, or packaged, the need for efficiency is paramount to cost-saving. 

Before asking why the AC is freezing up, you should ask if maintenance is in place.

An efficient running AC will pay back its cost

A better way to pay your new AC cost is to ensure an optimum power-saving operation. When your AC runs efficiently, you will pay less on energy costs. You can read the article “How to Make Your AC More Efficient” to learn about AC efficiency.

You can pay for your new AC in Energy Savings

As explained above, you will save more on energy bills if your AC runs at optimum efficiency.

While every HVAC system can operate in an efficient, cost-saving manner, you, as the owner, have a role to play.

Since you understand that your AC system has several components, you need to give each part proper maintenance.

Apart from the technical side of keeping your AC running efficiently, there are other things you can do to help.


Here are ways you could make your AC more energy efficient:

  • Shade your house with trees

Having leafy trees around your house will block the sun and keep your house cooler. Your AC works better in an airy and cool environment and benefits from cooler air in the surroundings. 

  • Use window blinds

About 76% of sunlight enters your home through the windows. It will help your AC if you cover all the windows with solar screens or other recommended window covers.

  • Install high energy-efficient AC

It is often recommended to replace your old AC with a high energy-efficiency ratio unit (EER Unit). Installing an energy star-qualified system will ensure a substantial cut in energy bills over time. We recommend talking to an experienced HVAC technician when you are considering a replacement.

  • Desist from using the stove and oven

If you avoid using a stove or oven in hot seasons, your AC will save energy costs. In summer, the weather is twice as hot, and your AC works twice hard to cool the house. Using a stove will increase the temperature and make it even harder for the AC to cool.

  • Ensure regular maintenance

Your energy bill will keep rising if your AC isn’t working efficiently. With regular maintenance, you can keep every part of your AC system working at optimum efficiency, ensuring overall running efficiency and energy saving.

Need help making your AC more efficient?

Every homeowner, including the DIY enthusiast, needs HVAC professional help when it comes to energy savings.

If you live around the Coachella Valley area – Indio, Indian Wells, Palm Desert, or La Quinta – a reputable air conditioning repair company is nearby.

Let Anthem Heating & Air help you make your new AC pay its cost in energy savings! Call now at (760) 895-2621.

Can I Finance My New AC?



Are you searching for how to finance a new AC unit? Well, you are at the right place for useful information.

There are different options for financing a new AC, but many homeowners find personal loans the easiest. And, yes, you can finance your new Ac with ease if you have the money.

Why is a new AC important?

A home is a place to dwell in comfort, and many states around the country are blazing hot in the summer. A functional AC is necessary for air quality and comfort. Also, it helps cut down on energy costs, improves your well-being, and reduces your carbon footprint to engender a greener environment. 

There is a challenge, though.

Many homeowners love new ACs. The issue is financing. A new AC costs from $7,000 to $15,000. With the rising cost of living, coughing out that much cash can be a challenge.

However, there are options homeowners can explore. The best option is to seek financing from friendly sources.

What are the options for financing my new AC?

You have several ways to finance a new air conditioner. Some of the options include home equity, credit, or a personal loan. 

However, many homeowners face the challenge of low credit scores and high interest rates. Credit companies and banks won’t deal with anyone with low credit scores, and the process of building your score means more discomfort from the hot weather.

It isn’t easy to qualify for new AC financing with a mortgage, credit card, and personal loan repayment burdens.

Notwithstanding your current financial commitment, there are options to finance a new AC with PROPERTY ASSISTED CLEAN ENERGY programs.

Working with a professional, public-spirited HVAC company helps you achieve an AC that runs efficiently. For this reason, Anthem Heating & Air provides its customers with access to friendly home improvement finance options.


The below options for financing are not the traditional ones whose main focus is profiteering. They are designed for home improvement purposes.

  1. YGRENE Program
  • Low-cost funding over long terms
  • Energy efficiency and renewable energy 
  • Water conservation upgrades

     2. HERO Program

  • Low-cost, long term funding
  • Upgrades funds for energy and water efficiency
  • Central air-conditioning projects
  • Home improvement – landscaping, roofs, doors, and windows

      3. SYNCHRONY Private Finance

  • Unsecured, revolving credit lines
  • Simple application and fast credit decision process 
  • Financing for individual circumstances
  • No interest option
  • 115-month payment option
  • Flexible payment and repayment plan


  • Rebates from various sources, including federal tax credits
  • Upgrading to energy-efficient systems
  • Compensations for home improvement


  • You can sort your new AC financing under this program. The package takes the best of each financing option above to give you appropriate and pocket-friendly financing. Call (760) 895-2621 now for details.

Need a reputable HVAC company near you?

One of the ways to begin financing a new AC journey is to find a reliable AC company near you. Finding the right HVAC services will get you quickly to your destination.

Another reason to find a professional AC company is to use their expertise for the best financing. With their guidance, you can cut to the chase and get a comfortable offer.

You can work with Anthem Heating & Air if you live anywhere around Coachella Valley.Call (760) 895-2621 now to discuss your new AC financing.