Energy efficiency means using less energy to perform the same function. Appliances and machines are energy-efficient when they use less electricity, water, or gas to accomplish the same task.

Why is energy efficiency important?

In California, energy efficiency and conservation are high priorities. A major goal is to actually save the amount of energy generated and used altogether. Sometimes we call this unused energy a “negawatt” — a watt of energy that’s never been produced because it was unnecessary. Avoiding the use of energy in the first place is the cleanest and least expensive option — one watt never used is one that doesn’t pollute. That’s why energy utilities prioritize energy-efficient technology and conservation practices, even over renewable energy sources.

How can I achieve energy-efficiency?

Technological innovation plays a big role in improving energy-efficiency. Many products available today are designed to be energy-efficient. For example, newer, compact fluorescent light bulbs use one-third of the energy of older, incandescent bulbs to light the same space. Energy Star-certified washing machines clean clothes as effectively as a less energy-efficient or water-efficient model, but with 25% less energy and 35% less water. Check out the featured pages below for other energy-efficiency ideas.



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