Solving Your Leaking Tub Faucet: A Handy DIY Guide

faucet in tub leaking

Ever had that annoying drip-drip sound from your tub faucet keep you up at night? That small, relentless leak may seem harmless but let me tell you – it’s more than just an irritating noise.

That little drip could turn into a waterfall before you know it. It can cause significant water wastage and if left unchecked, might even damage your beautiful bathroom decor.

You’re probably wondering: “Can I fix this myself?” The answer is yes! With the right tools in hand and some basic knowledge of different faucets, anyone can become a DIY plumber.

In this guide, we’ll walk through identifying your faucet type to understanding when it’s time to call for professional help. We’ll also dive deep into prevention measures because after all, who wants to deal with leaks again?

So, are you all set to tackle that annoying leak? Let’s get it done!

Table Of Contents:

Understanding the Problem of a Leaking Tub Faucet

A leaking tub faucet might seem like a small issue, but it’s more than just an annoying drip. It can waste gallons of water over time and drive up your utility bill.

The problem often lies in worn-out parts within the faucet. For example, a deteriorated rubber washer or seal can fail to block water flow when the tap is turned off. This Family Handyman guide explains this common cause in detail.

Faucets also come with different mechanisms: compression, cartridge, or ball-type faucets each having their unique setup and potential issues that could lead to leaks. Gaining an understanding of the faucet type is essential prior to attempting any repairs.

Beyond damage control, letting a leak persist may cause bigger problems down the line – think rusting pipes or even structural damage from prolonged exposure to moisture.

Identifying the Type of Faucet

Ball faucets are single-handle models identifiable by their round cap right above the base of the faucet spout. A sure sign is if your handle rotates 360 degrees.

Cartridge faucets, on the other hand, may have one or two handles but do not rotate all around. They move up and down to control water flow.

The third type, compression faucets, are generally found in older homes. These old-school models use separate handles for hot and cold water.

Basic Tools Required for Fixing a Leaky Faucet

Basic Tools Required for Fixing a Leaky Faucet

Having the right tools can make all the difference between a successful DIY plumbing job and a costly professional repair. Just like how an artist needs their brushes and paints, you’ll need your trusty set of tools.

An adjustable wrench is essential. It’s as vital as bread in making sandwiches. This tool will help you loosen or tighten parts that are hard to reach or stubbornly stuck.

A tubing cutter, on the other hand, is useful if you’re dealing with copper pipes. Think of it as scissors for metal tubes.

Last but not least, keep some thread seal tape. It’s similar to using duct tape when packing boxes; this seals connections ensuring no leaks escape.

  • All these basic tools aren’t just good-to-have items—they’re must-haves. Remember: being prepared means half-won battles against leaky faucets.

Step-by-Step Guide to Fixing a Leaky Tub Faucet

Step 1: Gather Supplies

Collect all the necessary tools and replacement parts before starting the repair.

Step 2: Turn Off Water Supply

Locate the water shut-off valves for your bathtub and turn them off. If there are no dedicated shut-off valves, turn off the main water supply for your home.

Step 3: Remove the Faucet Handle

  • Use a screwdriver to remove the handle’s decorative cap or cover. Some covers might pop off easily, while others might require a bit of prying.
  • Once the cover is removed, unscrew and remove the handle. Set these parts aside carefully.

Step 4: Examine the Cartridge or Valve

  • Inspect the faucet’s interior for the cartridge or valve. This component controls water flow and may need replacement or repair.
  • Some faucets have cartridges that can be removed by hand or with pliers. Others may require a specific tool.

Step 5: Replace Damaged Parts

  • If the cartridge is worn out or damaged, carefully remove it and replace it with a new one. Follow manufacturer instructions or consult a plumbing expert if unsure.
  • Check O-rings, washers, or seals for damage. If necessary, replace these parts with new ones.

Step 6: Apply Plumber’s Tape

  • Wrap the new plumber’s tape around any threaded areas of the faucet assembly to ensure a tight seal.
  • Be sure not to overdo it with the tape; a few layers wrapped in the direction of the threads should suffice.

Step 7: Reassemble the Faucet

  • Put the repaired or replaced parts back into place in the reverse order of how you disassembled them.
  • Tighten everything securely but avoid over-tightening, as this might cause damage.

Step 8: Turn On Water Supply

  • Turn the water supply back on slowly and check for leaks.
  • Initially, keep the handle in the off position to test for leaks before fully reopening the faucet.

Step 9: Test the Faucet

  • Turn the faucet on slowly and check for any leaks or drips.
  • If there are still leaks, try tightening connections or rechecking the replaced parts for proper installation.

Step 10: Reassemble the Handle

  • Once you’ve confirmed there are no leaks, reattach the handle and decorative cap or cover.

Step 11: Clean Up

  • Clean any excess plumber’s tape or residue from the faucet and surrounding areas.
  • Dispose of any old parts and packaging.

When to Call a Professional Plumber

When to Call a Professional Plumber

Dealing with a leaking tub faucet can be tricky. While minor leaks might get fixed by DIY methods, not all situations are the same.

If you notice constant dripping even after trying to fix it yourself or if the leak is causing significant water damage, that’s your cue. You need professional help at this point because their expertise will prevent more harm from happening.

A professional plumber has years of experience and training under his belt which lets him diagnose complex issues quickly. So don’t hesitate; when in doubt, reach out.

Predicting Future Problems

Besides fixing existing problems, plumbers can also predict future ones due to their experience. They’re like doctors for your plumbing system – they’ll spot potential trouble before it starts showing symptoms. This way you save money on costly repairs down the line.

In short: Trying to handle everything alone may seem tempting but remember – just as Rome wasn’t built in a day, nor was its plumbing.

Preventive Measures to Avoid Faucet Leaks

Maintaining your tub faucet can help prevent leaks before they start. Perform regular inspections to identify any potential damage, such as cracks, rust, or mineral deposits.

Get into the habit of gently turning off faucets instead of forcefully twisting them shut. This can extend the life of your faucet’s components and prevent leaks from developing.

You should also consider installing water leak detectors under sinks. They alert you if there’s moisture where it shouldn’t be so you can fix small issues before they become big problems.


Well, you’ve made it! No more nights disturbed by the tub faucet leaking.

You now know the importance of identifying your faucet type and gathering the right tools before diving into repairs.

Tackling leaks step-by-step? You’re covered. Knowing when to call a pro? You got that too.

And let’s not forget prevention – because who wants to go through this again?

In short, we hope this guide has equipped you with all you need to keep your bathroom leak-free!

If you have any questions or need an estimate on your plumbing, give Anthem a call today. (951) 389-5151  for Inland Empire and (760) 895-2621 for the Coachella Valley.

Common Reasons Why Your AC Keeps Shutting Off

Common Reasons Why Your AC Keeps Shutting Off

Are you a homeowner in the Coachella Valley experiencing AC problems? If your air conditioning system keeps shutting off after 15 minutes, it can be quite frustrating and puzzling. But don’t worry. I’ve got you covered with some common reasons for this issue and how to address them effectively.

Dirty Air Filters Causing Restricted Airflow

A dirty or clogged air filter is often the culprit behind an AC unit that shuts off frequently. A clean air filter ensures proper airflow, allowing your system to work efficiently without overworking itself.

Oversized Units Cooling Too Quickly And Shutting Off

An oversized air conditioner might seem like a good idea at first – more cooling power means faster results, right? Unfortunately, these units tend to shut off too quickly due to their high capacity, leading to constant cycling of components and causing wear and tear on the system.

Tips To Identify The Root Cause Of The Problem:

  • Inspect the air filter: Check if it’s dirty or clogged; replace it as needed.
  • Evaluate the size of your AC unit: Determine whether it’s appropriately sized for your home. If not, consider upgrading or downsizing accordingly.
  • Maintenance check-up: Schedule regular maintenance visits from professionals who can identify potential issues before they become significant problems.

By understanding the common reasons for your AC system shutting off, you can take action to ensure it works efficiently and effectively. If you need help with your AC issues, contact our expert technicians in Coachella Valley, CA, today.

The Role of Air Filters in Proper AC Functioning

Let’s talk about air filters.

Air filters are crucial in keeping your air conditioning (AC) system running smoothly, and regular maintenance is key to avoiding frequent shutdowns.

How often should you replace your air filter?

The golden rule: change your air filter every 30-90 days.

If you have pets or allergies, consider changing it more frequently (every 20-45 days).

Signs that indicate it’s time for a new filter

  • Dusty surfaces? Your filter may be clogged.
  • Increased energy bills? A dirty filter forces the system to work harder.
  • Poor airflow from vents? Time to check that air filter.

No need to panic – replacing an air filter is easy and affordable.

Maintaining clean filters prevents shutdowns, keeps energy costs down, and improves indoor air quality – now that’s what we call a win-win.

Remember, a happy filter equals a happy AC system.

So go ahead and give your air filter some love today.

AC Keeps Shutting Off? Check Your Compressor Fan and Capacitor

AC Keeps Shutting Off? Check Your Compressor Fan and Capacitor

As a homeowner in the Coachella Valley, you rely on your air conditioning system to keep you cool during the hot summer months. However, if your AC Keeps Shutting Off, it can be frustrating and uncomfortable. One of the most common causes of this issue is problems with the compressor fan and capacitor.

Let’s dive into the details of these two components and how they can affect your AC system.

Symptoms of Compressor Fan Problems

The compressor fan is responsible for circulating air over the condenser coils to release heat from your home. If it malfunctions, you may notice that the air coming from your AC unit feels lukewarm instead of cool.

To check if the compressor fan is working correctly, head outside to observe whether or not the fan is spinning while your AC is running. If it’s not, there may be an issue with the fan motor or wiring.

When to Call a Technician for Capacitor Replacement

The capacitor is a small but essential component that provides an initial boost to start up motors like those found in compressors. When capacitors fail, they can cause various problems, including reduced efficiency and premature shut-offs.

If you notice that the compressor fan is spinning but still not providing adequate cooling power, this could indicate a faulty capacitor. Don’t try fixing this on your own – call a professional technician who knows their way around these complex parts. They’ll replace any faulty capacitors quickly so that you can enjoy uninterrupted comfort once again.

Other potential causes of AC problems include a faulty thermostat, a dirty air filter, a refrigerant leak, electrical problems, and more. If you’re experiencing issues with your AC system, it’s best to contact a professional technician who can diagnose and fix the problem.

At Anthem, we offer expert AC repair and maintenance services to homeowners throughout Coachella Valley, CA. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and keep your home cool and comfortable all summer long.

Effects of an Oversized Air Conditioner Unit

Let’s talk about a common yet often overlooked issue: oversized air conditioners.

You may think a larger size would be advantageous, however, with AC units, that is not always the case.

An oversized unit cools rooms very quickly due to its high capacity but also tends to shut off frequently because it reaches desired temperatures faster than smaller systems. This might seem efficient initially but hold on just a minute.

Downsides of using an oversized AC unit

The constant cycling stresses components, leading them to wear out more rapidly over time. This ultimately reduces the unit’s overall lifespan significantly while increasing energy costs unnecessarily too.

  • Premature component failure and increased repair costs
  • Higher energy bills due to frequent cycling on and off
  • Inconsistent temperature control in your home

Tips on selecting appropriately sized units

To avoid these issues with an oversized AC unit, follow these tips:

  1. Determine the proper size for your space by consulting with a professional HVAC technician or using online calculators.
  2. Consider factors such as insulation levels, window sizes, and sun exposure when calculating cooling needs.
  3. Consult reviews from other homeowners who have installed similar-sized units in their homes to get a sense of performance and satisfaction.

You’ll enjoy consistent comfort, energy efficiency, and a longer-lasting system by selecting the right size AC unit for your home. So remember: bigger isn’t always better.

Preventative Maintenance Measures to Avoid AC Shutdowns

Preventative Maintenance Measures to Avoid AC Shutdowns

Alright, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of air conditioner maintenance. As a homeowner in the Coachella Valley, you know how important keeping your AC system running smoothly, especially during those hot summer months is. To avoid any AC problems and shutdowns, follow these preventative measures:

  • Change the air filter regularly: A dirty air filter can cause your AC unit to work harder than it needs to, leading to poor airflow and potential shutdowns. Make sure to change your air filter every 1-3 months, depending on usage.
  • Clean the condenser coils: Over time, the condenser coils on your AC unit can become dirty and clogged, hindering the cooling process. Clean them regularly to ensure proper airflow and cooling.
  • Check the refrigerant levels: Low refrigerant levels can cause your AC unit to struggle and potentially shut down. Call a professional to fix the issue if you suspect a refrigerant leak.
  • Inspect the run capacitor: A faulty run capacitor can cause your AC unit to turn on and off frequently, leading to shutdowns. Have a professional inspect and replace the capacitor if necessary.
  • Ensure proper thermostat settings: Incorrect thermostat settings can cause your AC unit to turn on and off at the wrong times, leading to unnecessary strain and potential shutdowns. Make sure your thermostat is set to the appropriate temperature and cooling cycle.

Following these preventative maintenance measures can avoid AC problems and keep your air conditioning unit running smoothly. If you do experience any issues with your AC system, such as an AC turning off or poor airflow, call a professional for AC repair to get your unit fixed and back up and running in no time.


Don’t let a constantly shutting-off AC system ruin your comfort at home. The most common reasons for this issue include dirty air filters and oversized units that cool too quickly. Maintaining your AC regularly is key to avoiding disruption, but if the problem persists, an expert should be consulted.

If you’re experiencing frequent AC shutdowns in Coachella Valley, CA, contact Anthem today for reliable HVAC services from our team of experts.

Choosing the Right HVAC System for Coachella Valley Homes

Choosing the Right HVAC System for Coachella Valley Homes

Selecting the optimal HVAC system may appear to be an intimidating undertaking.

With so many options and factors to consider, it’s no wonder homeowners in the Coachella Valley often find themselves lost when faced with this decision. But fear not! We’re here to help guide you through this process.

To ensure a comfortable and economical HVAC system, we’ll assess your home’s heating and cooling needs, compare various equipment’s energy efficiency ratings, and discuss installation costs when selecting a new air conditioner or heater. Choosing the right HVAC system is crucial for both your comfort and wallet – so let’s dive in!

Selecting the Right HVAC System

Selecting the Right HVAC System

Alright, let’s get down to business. Choosing the perfect HVAC system for your Coachella Valley home can be daunting, but don’t worry – we’ve got you covered. In this section, we’ll guide you through some essential factors to consider when selecting an HVAC system that best suits your needs and budget.

Type of HVAC Systems

The first step is understanding the different types of HVAC systems available on the market:

  • Furnaces: A popular choice in colder climates; they use natural gas or propane to heat air and distribute it throughout your home.
  • Air Conditioners: Ideal for hot summer days; these units cool indoor air by removing heat and humidity from it.
  • Heat Pumps: An energy-efficient option suitable for both heating and cooling purposes. They transfer heat between indoors and outdoors using electricity as their primary source of power.
  • Ductless Mini-Splits: These versatile systems offer targeted temperature control without requiring ductwork installation – great for room additions or homes with limited space.

For homeowners in the Coachella Valley, CA, we recommend contacting reliable air conditioning contractors who can help you choose the right HVAC system for your home.

Key Takeaway: 

Choosing the right HVAC system for your home can be overwhelming, but it is crucial to understand the different types of systems available and sizing them correctly. 

Assessing Your Home’s Needs

Before beginning the HVAC selection process, take a moment to analyze what your home needs. Understanding what size and type of system will work best for your residence in Coachella Valley is crucial.

Determining the Right Size

A key factor in selecting an HVAC system is its size, which directly impacts energy efficiency and comfort levels. Proper sizing ensures that your unit operates efficiently without wasting energy or leaving you feeling too hot or cold. To determine the right size, consult with a professional load calculation, which considers factors such as square footage, insulation levels, window types, and local climate conditions.

Taking the time to assess your home’s needs will ensure you select an HVAC system that provides optimal comfort and efficiency for homeowners in Coachella Valley, CA.

Comparing Energy Efficiency Ratings

Let’s talk about energy efficiency ratings, shall we? You know, those little numbers that can save you big bucks on your energy bills. In the HVAC world, there are two main ratings to consider: SEER and AFUE.

SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio)

This rating applies to air conditioners and heat pumps. The higher the SEER rating, the more efficient the system is at converting electricity into cooling power. In Coachella Valley, aim for a minimum of 14 SEER. It’s both cost-effective and eco-friendly.

AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency)

This one’s for furnaces and boilers. AFUE measures how efficiently a furnace or boiler converts fuel into usable heat over an entire heating season. An AFUE of 90% means that 90% of the fuel is used for heating while only 10% goes up in smoke (literally).

Finding Your Perfect Match

  • TIP #1: Don’t just look at price tags; compare long-term savings from high-efficiency systems too.
  • TIP #2: Check out ENERGY STAR-certified products; they’re proven to be more energy-efficient than standard models.
  • TIP #3: Use online energy calculators to estimate potential savings from different HVAC systems.

Remember, investing in an energy-efficient system is not only beneficial financially but also for the planet. Now that you’re a pro at comparing energy efficiency ratings let’s move on to installation costs.

Considering Installation Costs

Considering Installation Costs

Let’s talk money, honey.

Given the varying costs and complexities of different types of HVAC systems, it’s essential to consider installation expenses when selecting one for your Coachella Valley home.


Different types of systems come with varying price tags and complexities.

Factors Affecting Installation Costs

Type of System: Due to their complexity, central air conditioning units typically cost more than ductless mini-split systems.

Labor Rates: Labor rates vary by region, so be sure to get multiple quotes from local contractors before deciding.

Ways to Save on Installation Costs

  1. Federal Tax Credits: Some energy-efficient HVAC systems qualify for federal tax credits. Check out the U.S. Department of Energy website.
  2. Incentives & Rebates: Local utility companies often offer incentives or rebates for installing energy-efficient equipment. Contact your utility provider for details.
  3. Timing is Everything: Schedule your installation during off-peak seasons (spring or fall) when demand is lower, and contractors may offer discounts.
  4. Negotiate Like a Pro: Don’t be afraid to negotiate with contractors. They want your business and might be willing to offer a better deal.

Remember, investing in the right HVAC system can save you money on energy bills and increase your home’s value.

So, do your homework, compare quotes, and choose wisely.


Choosing the right HVAC system for your home in Coachella Valley is crucial to ensure maximum comfort and energy efficiency. Comparing energy efficiency ratings, considering installation costs, and assessing your home’s needs are essential to selecting the best HVAC system for maximum comfort and cost-efficiency.

Investing in a high-quality HVAC system may seem like a significant expense upfront, but it will pay off in the long run with lower utility bills and improved indoor air quality. Don’t hesitate to consult professionals who can help guide you through this process and find the perfect solution for your needs.

If you’re ready to take the next step towards choosing the right HVAC system for your home in Coachella Valley, contact Anthem today. Our team of specialists will give superior quality service from beginning to end so you can experience ideal comfort throughout the year.

AC Smells Solutions: Effective Remedies for Unpleasant Odors

AC Smells Solutions: Effective Remedies for Unpleasant Odors

Picture this: you return home after a long day, expecting to be greeted by the refreshing blast of your air conditioner. Instead, an unpleasant odor wafts through your living space. AC smells solutions are crucial for maintaining comfort and indoor air quality.

Various factors can contribute to these unwelcome scents in your home, from exhaust fumes and chemical odors to rotten smells and skunk spray. In this comprehensive guide on AC smells solutions, we’ll delve into identifying signs of refrigerant leaks and understanding the importance of timely repair and maintenance.

We will also discuss common causes behind chemical-like odors in AC units, safety precautions when encountering them, steps for removing dead animals from HVAC systems, preventing future infestations in your unit, recognizing symptoms of natural gas leaks around HVAC systems, and proper ventilation during suspected leaks.

In addition, we’ll explore musty odors caused by mold growth within your air conditioning system – how to identify their presence and prevent them from affecting your indoor air quality. Last, we’ll address stale cigarette smoke smell lingering in HVAC systems along with professional cleaning methods that effectively remove tobacco-related odors.

Table of Contents:

  • AC Smells Solutions: Identifying and Tackling Refrigerant Leaks
    • Identifying Signs of a Refrigerant Leak
    • Importance of Timely Repair and Maintenance
  • Chemical-like Odor: Unmasking the Culprit
  • Solutions for AC Smells
  • Skunk Spray & Gas Leaks: What to Do When Your AC Smells Funky
  • Musty Odors & Mold Growth
  • Stale Cigarette Smoke Smell: Clearing the Air in Your Home
  • Conclusion

AC Smells Solutions: Identifying and Tackling Refrigerant Leaks

Alright, let’s dive in. As a homeowner in the Coachella Valley, you know how important keeping your air conditioning system running smoothly is. But what do you do when your AC smells bad?

If you detect an exhaust-like smell coming from your air conditioner, it is likely due to a leak in the refrigerant line. Refrigerants are essential for the cooling process but can emit a foul smell when leaking. Not only does it stink, but prolonged exposure to refrigerant leaks can also cause health issues.

Identifying Signs of a Refrigerant Leak

Keep an eye out for these red flags:

  • Poor cooling performance or warm air blowing from vents
  • Hissing sounds coming from your AC unit
  • Frost buildup on evaporator coils or lines

Importance of Timely Repair and Maintenance

No one wants their home smelling like car exhaust. Besides being annoying, ignoring a refrigerant leak could lead to more significant problems down the road. You might face higher energy bills, reduced system efficiency, and even damage to your compressor – which isn’t cheap to fix.

That’s why it’s crucial to schedule regular maintenance for your air conditioning unit and take care of any identified issues ASAP. An HVAC professional can help you identify and repair refrigerant leaks, dirty filters, and other problems that could be causing unpleasant smells in your home.

Don’t wait until you’re choking on exhaust fumes – tackle that refrigerant leak head-on and breathe easy again. And remember, regular maintenance is key to keeping your indoor air quality high and your AC unit running smoothly.

Chemical-like Odor: Unmasking the Culprit

We’re about to dive into the mysterious world of chemical-like smells coming from your AC unit. But don’t worry – we’ll guide you through this stinky situation and help you find a solution. No need to panic – but act fast when encountering these odors.

Action #1: Turn off your air conditioner immediately (yes, even if it’s scorching hot outside).

Action #2: Open windows and doors for proper ventilation – safety first.

Action #3: Call up a trusted professional technician (like our team at Anthem) who can swoop in and save the day.

Safety and health should be prioritized above all else.

Solutions for AC Smells

As a homeowner in the Coachella Valley you want your indoor air to be fresh and clean. However, if your air conditioner emits an unpleasant smell, it can cause concern. Here are some common causes of AC smells and what you can do to fix them.

Musty or Moldy Smells

If your AC smells musty or moldy, it could be due to dirty air filters or evaporator coils. These components can become clogged with dirt and debris over time, leading to poor air quality and unpleasant odors. To fix this issue:

  • Replace your air filter regularly to prevent buildup of dirt and dust.
  • Clean your evaporator coils with a coil cleaner solution to remove any mold or mildew buildup.

Rotten Egg or Sewage Smells

A rotten egg or sewage smell coming from your AC vents could be a sign of a natural gas leak. This serious issue requires immediate attention from a professional HVAC technician. Do not attempt to fix this problem on your own.

Burning Smells

A burning smell coming from your AC unit could be due to an electrical issue or a refrigerant leak. If you notice a burning odor, turn off your AC unit immediately and call a professional HVAC technician to inspect the system.

Dirty Sock or Stinky Feet Smells

Dirty Sock or Stinky Feet Smells

If your AC smells like dirty socks or stinky feet, it could be due to bacteria buildup on your evaporator coil. To fix this issue:

  • Clean your evaporator coil with a coil cleaner solution to remove any bacteria buildup.
  • Use a dehumidifier to reduce moisture levels in your home, which can contribute to bacterial growth.
  • Place an open box of baking soda near your AC unit to absorb any lingering odors.

Dead Animals

If your AC smells like a dead animal, it could be due to a critter that has become trapped in your system. To fix this issue:

  • Turn off the power supply to your AC unit to avoid any accidents.
  • Locate and remove the carcass using gloves for hygiene purposes.
  • Clean affected areas thoroughly with disinfectant wipes or spray to eliminate bacteria and lingering odors.

Preventing Future AC Smells

To prevent unpleasant smells from your AC unit in the future, follow these tips:

  • Replace your air filter regularly to prevent buildup of dirt and dust.
  • Clean your evaporator coil with a coil cleaner solution to remove any mold or mildew buildup.
  • Maintain cleanliness around outdoor units by regularly clearing away debris, leaves, and trash.
  • Cover gaps or holes near ducts with mesh screens or vent covers to prevent the entry of unwanted pests.
  • Schedule routine maintenance checks with professional HVAC technicians who can spot potential issues before they escalate into bigger problems (and smells).

By following these steps and taking preventative measures, you can keep your home smelling fresh and clean and your air conditioning system running smoothly.

Skunk Spray & Gas Leaks: What to Do When Your AC Smells Funky

Uh-oh, what’s that smell?

If you detect a smell resembling skunk spray coming from your air conditioner, it may be indicative of a gas leak. But don’t panic. We’ve got you covered with some actionable steps to take in this smelly scenario.

Recognizing Symptoms of Natural Gas Leaks Around HVAC Systems

The first step is identifying the signs of a gas leak around your AC system:

  • A distinct sulfur or rotten egg smell (similar to skunk spray)
  • Hissing or whistling sounds near the unit
  • Bubbles forming in standing water nearby

Properly Ventilating Indoor Spaces During Suspected Leaks

If you suspect there’s a gas leak, act quickly and follow these safety precautions:

  1. Turn off the gas supply: Locate your home’s main shutoff valve and turn it off immediately.
  2. Ventilate the area: Open windows and doors for fresh air circulation. Avoid using fans as they may ignite any lingering fumes.
  3. Contact utility services: Call your local utility company to report the suspected leak and request professional assistance.

In conclusion, if you’re dealing with a skunk spray-like smell from your AC, it’s essential to act quickly and follow these steps to ensure your and your family’s safety. Remember to regularly change your air filter and have your HVAC system inspected by a professional technician to prevent unpleasant smells and ensure optimal indoor air quality.

When in doubt, always consult a professional technician for assistance.

Musty Odors & Mold Growth

Nobody wants to be subjected to the unpleasant aroma of mustiness in their home. If you’re experiencing this unpleasant odor from your air conditioner, chances are there’s mold growth within its lines and ducts.

Mold exposure can lead to respiratory issues, so it’s essential to tackle the problem head-on by contacting professionals for thorough cleaning.

But first, let’s learn how to spot signs of mold in your AC system:

  • Visible mold growth: Check vents and other accessible parts of your AC unit for any visible signs of mold or mildew.
  • Persistent allergy symptoms: If you notice increased sneezing or coughing when the AC runs, that could indicate mold spores circulating in the air.
  • Dampness around the unit: Excess moisture creates a breeding ground for mold. Look out for damp spots near your HVAC system, which may indicate a leak or condensation issue contributing to fungal growth.

To prevent future occurrences and maintain good indoor air quality, follow these tips:

  1. Control humidity levels: Keep indoor humidity below 60% using dehumidifiers if necessary.
  2. Clean regularly: Dust and vacuum frequently to reduce organic matter on which molds feed. Don’t forget about those hard-to-reach areas like vents.
  3. Schedule routine maintenance: Regularly scheduled professional check-ups will ensure proper functioning and help identify potential issues before they escalate.

Remember, a clean and well-maintained air conditioning system smells better and promotes a healthier living environment for you and your family.

Stale Cigarette Smoke Smell: Clearing the Air in Your Home

Stale Cigarette Smoke Smell: Clearing the Air in Your Home

So, you’re a smoker. That’s cool, we don’t judge. But it might be time to take action if your air conditioner starts smelling like stale cigarette smoke.

The Culprit: Indoor smoking can cause tobacco odors to accumulate within your HVAC system over time.

The Solution: A thorough professional cleaning is necessary to remove these stubborn smells from your AC unit and improve indoor air quality. Secondhand smoke poses health risks for everyone in the household – including pets.

  • Clean Filters & Ducts:
    • Air filters should be replaced regularly (every 1-3 months).
    • Ductwork should also be cleaned periodically by professionals to prevent buildup of dust and debris mixed with tobacco residue.
  • Ventilation Matters:
    • Increase ventilation by opening windows or using exhaust fans while smoking indoors. This helps reduce lingering odors and harmful particles in the air.
  • Create a Smoking Zone:
    • If possible, designate an outdoor area as your “smoking zone” away from open doors or windows leading into your home.


In conclusion, homeowners in the Coachella Valley should be aware of the various smells that can come from their AC units and take appropriate action to address them. From identifying refrigerant leaks to preventing mold growth, there are many solutions available to improve indoor air quality and ensure a comfortable living space.

For an expert solution to any AC smells issue, contact Anthem today – the professionals dedicated to ensuring your home remains safe and comfortable year-round. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing effective AC Smells Solutions and ensuring your home remains safe and comfortable year-round.

Take control of your indoor air quality today – contact Anthem for expert HVAC services!


AC Circuit Breaker Tripping: Common Causes & Fixes

AC Circuit Breaker Tripping: Common Causes & Fixes

AC circuit breaker tripping is a common issue that homeowners in the Coachella Valley face during the hot summer months. This can be a vexing experience, possibly leading to your AC ceasing to function. This post will explore some of the main reasons for AC circuit breaker tripping and provide you with valuable information on how to address these issues.

We’ll discuss potential causes such as bad circuit breakers, overloaded compressors or fan motors, electrical short circuits, refrigerant pressure issues, and wiring problems. By understanding these factors behind AC circuit breaker tripping incidents, you can take proactive steps to prevent them from happening in your home.

Stay tuned as we dive into each of these topics in detail so that you can keep your air conditioning system running smoothly throughout the season.

Reasons for AC Circuit Breaker Tripping

There are several reasons why your air conditioner’s circuit breaker may keep tripping, ranging from a faulty breaker to refrigerant pressure issues. Comprehending the potential sources of this issue can help you diagnose it and take appropriate action to address it. In this section, we will discuss some common reasons behind an AC circuit breaker tripping:

  • Bad circuit breaker: A faulty or worn-out circuit breaker might be unable to handle the electrical load of your air conditioning system.
  • Compressor or fan drawing too many amps: When a compressor or fan motor is overworked, it can draw more current than the circuit can handle, causing the breaker to trip.
  • Electrical short circuits: Short circuits occur when wires touch each other unintentionally, creating a high-current situation that trips breakers as a safety measure.
  • Refrigerant pressure issues: An imbalance in refrigerant pressure within your air conditioning system could lead to increased strain on compressors and higher amperage draw, resulting in repeated breaker tripping.

Identifying a Bad Circuit Breaker

If you’re experiencing frequent AC circuit breaker tripping, one possible cause could be a faulty circuit breaker. A bad breaker may not be able to handle the electrical load of your air conditioning system and trip as a result. To determine if this is the issue, you can use an infrared camera to inspect your circuit breakers for signs of excessive heat.

  • Check for visible damage: Inspect the exterior of the breaker for any signs of physical damage or wear that might indicate it needs replacement.
  • Infrared inspection: Using an infrared camera, look for areas where there’s significant heat coming from the breaker. This could suggest that it’s struggling to handle the electrical load and should be replaced.
  • Contact a professional: If you suspect that your AC unit’s issues are due to a bad circuit breaker, contact an experienced HVAC technician who can assess and replace it if necessary.

A faulty circuit breaker isn’t something homeowners should attempt fixing themselves – always consult with experts before taking action on such matters.

Overloaded Compressor or Fan Motor

If your air conditioner’s circuit breaker keeps tripping, it could be due to an overloaded compressor or fan motor. These components may draw too many amps if they are stuck, worn out, or running on borrowed time. This excessive amperage can cause the circuit breaker to trip as a safety precaution.

To ascertain if the AC is having issues, investigate signs of deterioration on these components and observe their operation. If you notice that the compressor or fan motor is struggling to function properly and causing frequent trips in the process, it might be time to consider saving up for a new system. An aging air conditioning unit with a limited lifespan will lead to more breakdowns and increase energy consumption and costs.

  • Maintain regular maintenance: To prevent overloading issues in compressors and fan motors, ensure your AC system undergoes routine maintenance by qualified technicians who can identify potential problems early on.
  • Upgrade when necessary: If your current system has reached its end-of-life stage or consistently causes circuit breakers to trip due to overloads, investing in a newer model would provide better efficiency and fewer headaches down the line.

Dealing with Electrical Short Circuits

Dealing with Electrical Short Circuits

One of the reasons for an AC circuit breaker tripping is an electrical short circuit. This occurs when wires leading to the motor touch each other while the system is supposed to be on. This high current situation triggers safety mechanisms in place and trips the breakers. To prevent such issues, it’s essential to identify and address any potential wiring problems within your air conditioning unit.

  • Inspect Wiring: Regularly inspect your AC unit’s wiring for signs of wear or damage that could lead to a short circuit. If you notice frayed or exposed wires, contact a professional technician immediately.
  • Maintain Proper Connections: Ensure all connections are secure and tight, as loose connections can cause overheating and increase the risk of short circuits. You may need a qualified electrician if you’re unsure about handling these tasks yourself.
  • Hire Professionals: When dealing with electrical issues in your air conditioner, always consult experienced technicians with expertise in HVAC systems like those at Anthem. They can efficiently diagnose and resolve any underlying problems before they escalate into more significant concerns.

Taking proactive measures against electrical short circuits will help keep your AC running smoothly and ensure its longevity by preventing unnecessary strain on its components. If you’re experiencing issues with your AC tripping the breaker, it could be due to a faulty breaker or compressor issues. Contact a professional for AC repair to stop tripping the breaker and ensure your air conditioner is running efficiently.

Addressing Refrigerant Pressure Issues

High refrigerant pressure within your air conditioning system can strain compressors over time and lead them to pull higher amperage than usual, resulting in repeated breaker tripping. This issue may be caused by various factors, such as:

  • An overcharged system
  • A blocked or malfunctioning expansion valve
  • A dirty condenser coil that restricts airflow

To address these issues, it’s essential to have a professional HVAC technician inspect your AC unit. If the technician finds too much refrigerant, they will take steps to remove it and possibly suggest replacing it with fresh coolant for optimal performance. In some cases, they might recommend starting over with virgin refrigerants for optimal performance.

Maintaining proper refrigerant levels is crucial for efficient cooling and preventing circuit breaker trips. Regular maintenance checks by qualified technicians can help ensure this balance is maintained throughout the lifespan of your AC unit. For additional guidance on keeping your AC in top condition, have a look at our guide to air conditioning upkeep.

Wiring Problems

wiring problems

If your air conditioner’s circuit breaker trips immediately after turning back on, there could likely be an issue with wiring connections inside components like motors and compressors. These problems would require professional assistance from technicians with expertise in dealing specifically with those types of equipment.

Poorly connected or damaged wires can cause electrical shorts, leading to the tripping of the circuit breaker. To avoid further damage to your AC system and ensure safety, it is essential to address these issues promptly. Some common signs that indicate wiring problems include:

  • A burning smell coming from the AC unit
  • Flickering lights when the air conditioner is running
  • Visible damage or fraying on wires near the unit

If you suspect a wiring problem within your AC system, it is best not to attempt any repairs yourself, as this may result in more significant issues or even personal injury. Instead, contact a reputable HVAC technician specializing in repairing such systems. Anthem HVAC Repair Services can provide you with the best technicians in Coachella Valley.


AC circuit breaker tripping can be frustrating for homeowners in the Coachella Valley. By understanding the potential causes of AC circuit breaker tripping, homeowners can take preventative measures to avoid further occurrences. A bad circuit breaker, overloaded compressor or fan motor, electrical short circuits, refrigerant pressure issues, and wiring problems are all potential culprits.

If you suspect that your AC circuit breaker is faulty or experiencing any of these issues mentioned above, causing it to trip frequently, then contact us at today! Our expert technicians are ready to identify the source of your AC circuit breaker tripping issue and provide a reliable solution for lasting comfort in your home.