Demystifying HVAC: What Does It Stand For in Your Home?

what does hvac stand for

Unravel the mystery of HVAC! Discover what it stands for, its vital role in your home, and tips to boost air quality and energy efficiency.

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Choosing the Right HVAC System for Coachella Valley Homes

Choosing the Right HVAC System for Coachella Valley Homes

Selecting the optimal HVAC system may appear to be an intimidating undertaking.

With so many options and factors to consider, it’s no wonder homeowners in the Coachella Valley often find themselves lost when faced with this decision. But fear not! We’re here to help guide you through this process.

To ensure a comfortable and economical HVAC system, we’ll assess your home’s heating and cooling needs, compare various equipment’s energy efficiency ratings, and discuss installation costs when selecting a new air conditioner or heater. Choosing the right HVAC system is crucial for both your comfort and wallet – so let’s dive in!

Selecting the Right HVAC System

Selecting the Right HVAC System

Alright, let’s get down to business. Choosing the perfect HVAC system for your Coachella Valley home can be daunting, but don’t worry – we’ve got you covered. In this section, we’ll guide you through some essential factors to consider when selecting an HVAC system that best suits your needs and budget.

Type of HVAC Systems

The first step is understanding the different types of HVAC systems available on the market:

  • Furnaces: A popular choice in colder climates; they use natural gas or propane to heat air and distribute it throughout your home.
  • Air Conditioners: Ideal for hot summer days; these units cool indoor air by removing heat and humidity from it.
  • Heat Pumps: An energy-efficient option suitable for both heating and cooling purposes. They transfer heat between indoors and outdoors using electricity as their primary source of power.
  • Ductless Mini-Splits: These versatile systems offer targeted temperature control without requiring ductwork installation – great for room additions or homes with limited space.

For homeowners in the Coachella Valley, CA, we recommend contacting reliable air conditioning contractors who can help you choose the right HVAC system for your home.

Key Takeaway: 

Choosing the right HVAC system for your home can be overwhelming, but it is crucial to understand the different types of systems available and sizing them correctly. 

Assessing Your Home’s Needs

Before beginning the HVAC selection process, take a moment to analyze what your home needs. Understanding what size and type of system will work best for your residence in Coachella Valley is crucial.

Determining the Right Size

A key factor in selecting an HVAC system is its size, which directly impacts energy efficiency and comfort levels. Proper sizing ensures that your unit operates efficiently without wasting energy or leaving you feeling too hot or cold. To determine the right size, consult with a professional load calculation, which considers factors such as square footage, insulation levels, window types, and local climate conditions.

Taking the time to assess your home’s needs will ensure you select an HVAC system that provides optimal comfort and efficiency for homeowners in Coachella Valley, CA.

Comparing Energy Efficiency Ratings

Let’s talk about energy efficiency ratings, shall we? You know, those little numbers that can save you big bucks on your energy bills. In the HVAC world, there are two main ratings to consider: SEER and AFUE.

SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio)

This rating applies to air conditioners and heat pumps. The higher the SEER rating, the more efficient the system is at converting electricity into cooling power. In Coachella Valley, aim for a minimum of 14 SEER. It’s both cost-effective and eco-friendly.

AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency)

This one’s for furnaces and boilers. AFUE measures how efficiently a furnace or boiler converts fuel into usable heat over an entire heating season. An AFUE of 90% means that 90% of the fuel is used for heating while only 10% goes up in smoke (literally).

Finding Your Perfect Match

  • TIP #1: Don’t just look at price tags; compare long-term savings from high-efficiency systems too.
  • TIP #2: Check out ENERGY STAR-certified products; they’re proven to be more energy-efficient than standard models.
  • TIP #3: Use online energy calculators to estimate potential savings from different HVAC systems.

Remember, investing in an energy-efficient system is not only beneficial financially but also for the planet. Now that you’re a pro at comparing energy efficiency ratings let’s move on to installation costs.

Considering Installation Costs

Considering Installation Costs

Let’s talk money, honey.

Given the varying costs and complexities of different types of HVAC systems, it’s essential to consider installation expenses when selecting one for your Coachella Valley home.


Different types of systems come with varying price tags and complexities.

Factors Affecting Installation Costs

Type of System: Due to their complexity, central air conditioning units typically cost more than ductless mini-split systems.

Labor Rates: Labor rates vary by region, so be sure to get multiple quotes from local contractors before deciding.

Ways to Save on Installation Costs

  1. Federal Tax Credits: Some energy-efficient HVAC systems qualify for federal tax credits. Check out the U.S. Department of Energy website.
  2. Incentives & Rebates: Local utility companies often offer incentives or rebates for installing energy-efficient equipment. Contact your utility provider for details.
  3. Timing is Everything: Schedule your installation during off-peak seasons (spring or fall) when demand is lower, and contractors may offer discounts.
  4. Negotiate Like a Pro: Don’t be afraid to negotiate with contractors. They want your business and might be willing to offer a better deal.

Remember, investing in the right HVAC system can save you money on energy bills and increase your home’s value.

So, do your homework, compare quotes, and choose wisely.


Choosing the right HVAC system for your home in Coachella Valley is crucial to ensure maximum comfort and energy efficiency. Comparing energy efficiency ratings, considering installation costs, and assessing your home’s needs are essential to selecting the best HVAC system for maximum comfort and cost-efficiency.

Investing in a high-quality HVAC system may seem like a significant expense upfront, but it will pay off in the long run with lower utility bills and improved indoor air quality. Don’t hesitate to consult professionals who can help guide you through this process and find the perfect solution for your needs.

If you’re ready to take the next step towards choosing the right HVAC system for your home in Coachella Valley, contact Anthem today. Our team of specialists will give superior quality service from beginning to end so you can experience ideal comfort throughout the year.

Understanding Energy Ratings for Coachella Valley Homes

Understanding Energy Ratings for Coachella Valley Homes

Understanding energy ratings is essential for homeowners in the Coachella Valley who want to make informed decisions about their home’s energy performance. By understanding energy ratings, homeowners can make informed decisions that may result in lower utility bills and a reduced environmental footprint.

In this blog post, we will delve deeper into various types of energy ratings such as SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio), AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency), and ENERGY STAR. We’ll also discuss how these rating systems are developed by organizations like the Residential Energy Services Network and how they take into account different factors like heating, cooling, water heating, and other energy sources.

Finally, understanding energy ratings can help you choose the right products for your home that meet or exceed industry standards. Stay tuned to learn more about selecting the best options for optimizing your home’s overall efficiency.

Table of Contents:

1. What is a SEER Rating?

The SEER rating is a measure of the efficiency of an air conditioning system, calculated by dividing its cooling output during a typical season by the total energy input in watt-hours. In simpler terms, it tells you how much cool air your air conditioner can produce per unit of electricity consumed.

A higher SEER rating indicates better energy efficiency and lower operating costs for homeowners in the Coachella Valley. The U.S. Department of Energy has set minimum standards for SEER ratings depending on geographical location; however, these values may change over time as technology advances and new regulations are introduced.

Understanding SEER Ratings

Understanding SEER Ratings

  • Minimum requirement: As of January 2015, newly manufactured central air conditioners must have a minimum SEER rating of 14 or higher for regions like Coachella Valley that fall under Zone 3 (U.S. Climate Zones Map). This ensures improved energy efficiency compared to older models with lower ratings.
  • Better performance: Air conditioners with higher SEER ratings typically perform better than those with lower ratings when it comes to maintaining comfortable indoor temperatures while using less electricity.
  • Savings potential: Investing in an AC unit with a high SEER rating can lead to significant savings on your monthly utility bills due to reduced power consumption without compromising comfort levels inside your home.
  • Eco-friendly choice: Choosing an AC system with a high SEER rating not only saves you money but also contributes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and conserving natural resources by using less electricity.

When selecting an AC system, it is important to bear in mind the SEER rating. Keep in mind that while higher-rated units may have a higher upfront cost, they can save you more on energy bills over time and provide better overall performance. Additionally, many energy-efficient AC systems qualify for rebates or tax credits, further offsetting their initial costs.

Understanding the SEER rating is important for homeowners to make informed decisions when purchasing an HVAC system. Let’s examine the AFUE rating and how it can influence your energy efficiency.

What is AFUE Rating?

The Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) rating measures the efficiency of a furnace in converting fuel to energy. This rating helps homeowners in the Coachella Valley understand how well their heating system performs and make informed decisions when purchasing or upgrading their furnaces.

How AFUE Ratings Work

An AFUE rating is expressed as a percentage representing the ratio of heat output to the energy consumed by your furnace. For example, an 80% AFUE-rated furnace means that for every dollar spent on fuel, 80 cents are used to heat your home, while the remaining 20 cents are wasted through inefficiencies such as heat loss from ductwork or exhaust gasses.

Furnace Types and Their Typical AFUE Ratings

  • Older low-efficiency furnaces: These models typically have an AFUE rating between 56% and 70%. They may still be functional but will consume more energy than newer high-efficiency models.
  • Mid-efficiency furnaces: With ratings ranging from 80% to 83%, these units offer better performance than older models but may not provide optimal savings on utility bills compared to high-efficiency options.
  • High-efficiency condensing furnaces: Boasting impressive ratings between 90% and over 98%, these modern systems use advanced technology like sealed combustion chambers and secondary heat exchangers to minimize waste, maximizing both comfort levels and cost savings for homeowners.

The Importance of Choosing a Furnace with a High AFUE Rating

Investing in a furnace with a high AFUE rating offers several benefits for homeowners, including

  • Lower energy bills: A more efficient furnace uses less fuel to generate the same amount of heat, resulting in lower monthly utility costs.
  • Better comfort and indoor air quality: High-efficiency furnaces often have advanced features like variable-speed blowers and multi-stage burners that provide consistent temperatures and improved humidity control throughout your home.
  • Eco-friendly operation: By reducing energy consumption, you’re also decreasing greenhouse gas emissions associated with burning fossil fuels – making your home more environmentally friendly.
  • Potential rebates or tax credits: Some local utilities or government agencies may offer incentives for upgrading to an energy-efficient heating system. Be sure to check if any such programs are available in Coachella Valley before purchasing a new furnace.

Selecting the right AFUE-rated furnace is crucial for maximizing efficiency and cost savings while maintaining optimal comfort levels within your Coachella Valley home. Consider consulting an experienced HVAC professional who can help guide you through this process based on factors like climate conditions, house size, insulation levels, and budget constraints.

AFUE ratings provide a helpful measure of the efficiency of an HVAC system, so homeowners can make informed decisions when selecting one. Let us investigate the ENERGY STAR ratings to discover how they can be employed for recognizing energy-efficient systems.

3. What is ENERGY STAR Rating?

The ENERGY STAR rating is a voluntary program initiated by the U.S. The ENERGY STAR rating is a program of the EPA and DOE that recognizes products that have met their stringent energy efficiency requirements, allowing consumers to purchase items with lower energy consumption than typical models. Products that meet strict guidelines for energy efficiency are awarded the ENERGY STAR label, which signifies they use less energy than standard models without compromising performance.

A. How Does an Appliance Earn an ENERGY STAR Label?

To earn the prestigious ENERGY STAR label, appliances must undergo rigorous testing and meet specific criteria set forth by the EPA and DOE regarding energy consumption and performance levels. These criteria include:

  • Energy efficiency: The product must be significantly more efficient than non-certified models while maintaining or improving overall performance.
  • Cost-effectiveness: The upfront expense of obtaining an ENERGY STAR-certified device should be recouped over time through decreased energy consumption, thus resulting in savings on electricity bills.
  • Certification: All claims regarding a product’s energy efficiency must be verified through third-party testing conducted according to established protocols.

B. Benefits of Choosing ENERGY STAR Rated Appliances


The Importance of Choosing a Furnace with a High AFUE Rating

Purchasing appliances with an ENERGY STAR rating offers numerous benefits for homeowners in Coachella Valley:

  1. Lower Utility Bills: By using less electricity or natural gas, you can save money on your monthly utility bills over time.
  2. Better Performance: In addition to being more efficient, many times, these products also offer improved features compared to their non-certified counterparts – such as quieter operation or advanced temperature controls.
  3. Environmental Impact: Using energy-efficient appliances helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants, creating a cleaner environment for future generations.
  4. Potential Rebates or Incentives: Some local utility companies offer rebates or incentives for purchasing ENERGY STAR-certified products. Check with your provider to see if any rebate or incentive programs are available nearby.

C. Comparing ENERGY STAR Ratings with SEER and AFUE Ratings

While both the SEER rating for air conditioners and the AFUE rating for furnaces provide valuable information about an HVAC system’s efficiency, they do not always guarantee that a product is eligible for the ENERGY STAR label. To ensure you’re selecting an appliance that meets all of these stringent requirements, look specifically for products bearing the recognizable blue-and-white ENERGY STAR logo.

In summary, understanding energy ratings like SEER (for air conditioners), AFUE (for furnaces), and ENERGY STAR can help homeowners make informed decisions when it comes to choosing efficient HVAC systems. By investing in high-efficiency equipment, you’ll enjoy lower utility bills, improved performance, and reduced environmental impact – ultimately creating a more comfortable living space in Coachella Valley homes.

Considering ENERGY STAR rankings when buying a new HVAC system is essential, and understanding the energy rating possibilities can assist you in making an educated selection. To further your knowledge on this topic, let’s explore how to choose the right energy ratings for your home.

Frequently Asked Questions Understanding Energy Ratings

Which is the better energy rating, A or F?

An energy rating of A is significantly better than an F. Rating A represents the highest level of efficiency, while F indicates the lowest efficiency. Choosing appliances with higher ratings, like A, will lead to lower energy consumption and reduced utility bills.

What is the explanation of energy ratings?

Energy ratings are a standardized system that measures the efficiency of various appliances and systems in your home. They help homeowners compare different products based on their performance, allowing them to make informed decisions when purchasing new home equipment. Higher-rated products consume less energy, resulting in cost savings and environmental benefits.

What is the 5-star energy rating?

A 5-star energy rating signifies that an appliance or product has excellent efficiency levels compared to other models within its category. The more stars a product has, up to five stars maximum, the more efficient it operates – leading to decreased power usage and potential savings on utility bills.

How do you read energy performance ratings?

To read an Energy Performance Rating (EPR), look at labels provided by organizations such as ENERGY STAR. These labels display information about annual operating costs, estimated yearly electricity use, and comparative data with similar models so consumers can evaluate how well a specific appliance performs regarding its overall efficiency.

What is the difference between a 4-star and a 5-star energy rating?

The primary difference between a 4-star and a 5-star rated appliance lies in their respective efficiencies; higher-rated devices perform better than those with lower scores. Specifically, a device with a 5-star rating consumes less power during operation compared to one rated at four stars – resulting in greater energy savings and reduced environmental impact.


Grasping the energy classifications is necessary when selecting an HVAC system for your residence. SEER, AFUE and ENERGY STAR ratings are all important factors that should be considered before making a purchase. Doing research on these rating systems will help you make an informed decision about which type of system best suits your needs and budget. Investing in a high-efficiency HVAC unit can save you money over time by reducing monthly utility costs while helping protect our environment from unnecessary emissions.

Take control of your energy costs today and get the most out of your HVAC system with our expert advice on understanding energy ratings. Get started now to save money and improve efficiency!

Top 10 Questions HVAC Customers Ask

Top 10 Questions HVAC Customers Ask

If you’re thinking of installing or upgrading an HVAC system in your home, you likely have a lot of questions. What are the most common questions potential customers ask about HVAC? This blog answers that question and provides some tips on what to look for when shopping for an HVAC system. Keep reading to learn more!

1. What Is an HVAC System?

Central air systems are the most common type of HVAC system. They consist of an air conditioner, a furnace, and ductwork that distributes the conditioned air throughout the home. Central air systems are typically more expensive to install than other systems, but they are also more efficient and provide better indoor air quality.

Mini-split systems are another type of HVAC system. They consist of an outdoor unit that contains the compressor and condenser and one or more indoor units that contain the evaporator coils. They offer a number of advantages, including improved energy efficiency and easier installation.

Window air conditioners are the least expensive type of HVAC system, but they are also the least efficient. Window air conditioners cool a single room or area and do not provide any heating.

2. What Affects the Cost of an HVAC System?

The Size of the Home

One of the primary factors that affect the cost of an HVAC system is the size of the home. A larger home requires a more powerful and expensive system to heat and cool it properly. Conversely, a smaller home will not need as large or powerful of a system and will therefore be less expensive.

The Climate

The climate in which the home is located also affects the cost of an HVAC system. A home in a cold climate requires a more powerful heating system, while a home in a hot climate requires a more powerful cooling system. Additionally, homes located in areas with high humidity levels may require additional dehumidification capabilities, which also add to the cost.

The Efficiency of the System

The efficiency of the HVAC system is another important factor that affects its cost. More efficient systems typically use less energy and therefore cost less to operate. However, these systems often have a higher initial purchase price than less efficient models. As such, it is important to consider both the initial purchase price and long-term operating costs when selecting an HVAC system for your home.

3. What Are the Benefits of an HVAC System?

Improved Air Quality

One of the primary benefits of an HVAC system is that it improves the quality of the air in your home. An HVAC system circulates and filters the air in your home, removing pollen, dust, and other airborne particles that can trigger allergies or respiratory problems. Additionally, an HVAC system helps to remove excess humidity from the air, which reduces the risk of mold and mildew growth.

Enhanced Comfort

Another benefit of an HVAC system is that it helps keep your home more comfortable year-round. In the winter, an HVAC system circulates warm air throughout your home, while in the summer, it circulates cool air. This helps to take the edge off extreme temperatures and make your home more comfortable. Additionally, an HVAC system helps reduce drafts and cold spots in your home.

What to Look for When Choosing an HVAC System

4. What to Look for When Choosing an HVAC System


When choosing an HVAC system, one of the most important factors to consider is efficiency. The efficiency of an HVAC system is measured by its Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER). The SEER rating is the ratio of the cooling output of the system divided by the energy input of the system. The higher the SEER rating, the more efficient the system is.


Another important factor is size. The size of the unit should be based on the square footage of the home as well as the climate. It is important to choose a unit that is not too small or too large for the home.


It is also important to consider the features that are available. Some features that may be important include programmable thermostats, air filtration systems, and energy-saving modes.

5. How Often Should I Have My HVAC System Serviced?

It’s generally recommended that you have your HVAC system serviced once a year. This helps ensure that your system is running efficiently and helps prevent costly repairs down the road.

6. What Are Some Common Problems with HVAC Systems?

Some common problems with HVAC systems include poor air circulation, inadequate heating or cooling, and high energy bills. If you’re experiencing any of these problems, it’s important to have your HVAC system checked by a professional.

7. Can I Install an HVAC System Myself?

Installing an HVAC system is a complex task that should only be attempted by trained professionals. HVAC systems must be properly sized and installed in order to work correctly.

8. How Long Does an HVAC System Last?

HVAC systems typically last between 10 and 15 years. However, proper maintenance helps extend the life of your system.

What Are Some Maintenance Tips?

9. What Are Some Maintenance Tips?

Check your air filter monthly and replace it as needed. A dirty air filter restricts airflow and causes your HVAC system to work harder than it needs to.

Have your system serviced annually by a qualified technician. This ensures that your system is operating efficiently and catches any potential problems before they become major repairs.

Keep your home well-insulated and draft-free. Good insulation and sealing keep the cool air in during the summer and the warm air in during the winter, which saves money on your energy bills.

10. Where Can I Find an HVAC Contractor?

If you’re looking for an HVAC contractor, your best bet is to ask friends or family for recommendations. You can also search online or check the yellow pages. Once you’ve found a few contractors, be sure to compare prices and services before making a final decision.

An HVAC system is a big investment, but it can offer a number of benefits to your home. By asking the right questions, you can be sure to choose the best HVAC system for your needs.


Now that you know the top questions people ask HVAC companies, let Anthem Heating & Air Conditioning help you answer all your HVAC questions. We are ready to help you with everything from residential to commercial needs. Give us a call today or visit our website for more information!

How Do I Lower My Electric Bill?

How Do I Lower My Electric Bill?

Did you know that approximately 53% of your energy resources go to heating and cooling systems? This is according to a survey by the U.S. Energy Information Administration — an organization that collects data on energy usage by households in the U.S.

This means air conditioning and heating consume a lot of energy, which translates into huge electricity bills. There is a huge dependence on heating and cooling systems, especially in California. Therefore, if you want to lower your electricity bills, the best you can do is have an energy-efficient HVAC system. In this article, we explore different ways you can cut down on energy costs.

Why HVAC Systems Consume So Much Energy 

The HVAC system’s complexity is one reason they need so much power to function. Essentially, the system requires a lot of power when the compressor is pumping the refrigerant through the system to pull heat from a room.

If the system is poorly maintained, it struggles with cooling, thereby consuming more power. Issues with poor electrical wiring, loose parts, and dirty filters make the system strain, which ends up forcing it to cool longer. Worse still, the AC might blow warm instead of cool air, which results in wasted energy.

Another common reason why heating and cooling systems consume a lot of power is because of outdated technologies. In other words, the equipment might be too old. Newer systems have advanced energy-saving technologies that reduce power consumption. In the next section, we see why old systems consume more power than more recent models.

Tips for Lowering Your Electric Bill

Tips for Lowering Your Electric Bill

Homeowners that have implemented these HVAC system energy-saving tips have benefited from significant improvements in energy efficiency and savings. Pick what works best for you and enjoy a better heating and cooling experience.

Replace an old HVAC system

On average, the lifespan of air conditioners and heat pumps is 10-15 years. This means that when the appliance is new, it functions almost perfectly with minimal maintenance, but as it nears the ten to 15-year mark, it starts to malfunction easily and consumes more energy than expected.

Besides, as we stated above, old systems tend to have outdated technologies. The cooling efficiency of air conditioners is denoted by what’s known as the SEER rating. It indicates how well an air conditioner can cool a space, given the cooling system.

Best ratings are a product of technological advancements. For instance, ten years ago, a system with a 12 SEER rating was considered energy efficient. However, any system with less than a 16 SEER rating is considered inefficient today.

Furthermore, air conditioning experts discovered that for every two SEER rating increases, you save 10% on energy. This means that if you replace a 12 SEER system with a 16 SEER, you end up saving 20% on energy bills. Replacing an old air conditioner is the best decision you can make for your utility bills and overall air conditioning or heating experience.

Save money with energy rebates

The majority of local utility companies in California offer rebates and incentives that can save you huge amounts on energy bills. These rebates come with requirements and specifications that you should look out for to qualify.

With a rebate, you can get a cashback or a lower-than-normal payment when paying your utilities.

In California, the common rebate programs are offered in the form of tax credits, upgrade deals, financing, and so on. Government institutions or private organizations like HVAC contractors offer the rebates. To find them, you can search on websites like Energy Upgrade California using your zip code.

Use well-maintained HVAC systems

Use well-maintained HVAC systems

Adequate maintenance is a key solution to high energy bills. This is because maintenance seeks to ensure the optimal performance of HVAC systems. When a system is functioning at optimal levels, it consumes the expected amount of energy without waste. It becomes a double loss when wasted energy is billed.

The best way to do this is to agree on regular maintenance with a trusted HVAC contractor. Once every three or six months, the contractor will inspect the system for any maintenance problems and fix them appropriately.

Regular maintenance restores the working of the system and also adds extra lifespan to the machine. The best part is that regular maintenance packages are quite affordable, so you have all the reasons to sign up.


You do not have to break the bank in order to pay your electric bill. Moreover, several stakeholders are advocating for the adoption of energy-efficient practices. If anything, becoming more energy efficient is good for the environment. This is because less energy use and waste reduce carbon emissions, which controls global warming. Implement the above tips and save on energy bills while contributing to a carbon-neutral future.

HVAC Frequently Asked Questions

HVAC FAQs Maintenance


An HVAC system seems like magic to most people. The idea of the same machine blowing warm and cool air seems out of this world. But if you are a homeowner, you need to see HVAC as beyond magic and learn more about the unique system. This article answers some HVAC frequently asked questions. Read on to get answers!

The U.S. Department of Energy says 75% of homes use the air conditioner. Whether you are new or familiar with HVAC, understanding how the cooling and heating system works is beneficial.

Since HVAC comprises many components, it is important to know the basics if you want to tap in to the benefits. For easy understanding, we break down HVAC FAQs into four categories: Introductory, Purchasing, Operation, and Maintenance.

While we cannot cover every possible question, here are the six most frequently asked questions in each category.

HVAC FAQs: Introductory

This category helps beginners get to know about the equipment.

1. What Is an HVAC?

HVAC means heating, ventilation, and air conditioning – a system that regulates and distributes cooled and heated air for your comfort in residential and commercial buildings.

2. How Do HVAC Systems Work?

HVAC works using a forced-air system. It forces hot or cold air through the ducts using a blower. The temperature of the air being forced through depends on whether it is using an air conditioner or a furnace.

Understanding how HVAC works revolves around nine parts: air return, compressor, exhaust outlets, filter, ducts, outdoor unit, electrical elements, coils, and blower.

3. Do HVACs Run on Electricity or Gas?

It uses electricity and gas to deliver cooled or heated air to a building. For cooling your home, it uses electricity, and for heating, it uses gas.

4. What Are the Most Common Types of HVAC Systems?

Four main types of HVACs are on the market, including Split systems, duct-free systems, hybrid systems, and packaged heating and air systems.

5. How Durable Is My HVAC System?

HVACs are long-lasting, up to 25 years. However, you can achieve an even longer duration with proper maintenance handled by a competent technician.

6. What’s the Difference Between HVAC and AC?

HVAC is a machine that delivers heated and cooled air and comprises an AC unit. Most people find it more convenient to say AC. Therefore, the term is used interchangeably.

HVAC FAQs Purchasing

HVAC FAQs: Purchasing

HVACs come in different sizes and capacities. Before you purchase one, be sure it is the right one. The following questions relate to purchasing the best HVAC for your home.

1. What should I consider before buying an HVAC system for my home?

Talk of killing two birds with one stone! It’s a high utility comfort provider that covers both hot and cold seasons. There is value for money, including good warranties, low energy bills, and the availability of high-quality maintenance professionals.

2. What brand of HVAC system is best for my home?

Most HVAC makers endeavor to deliver top-grade products. However, there are brands with superior products, and it’s best to work with a reliable HVAC company to recommend the best.

3. If I replace my outdoor unit, do I need to replace my indoor unit? 

The short answer is – yes! It is usually recommended to replace both for several reasons, including the differences in age of the units and unit mismatch leading to reduced efficiency and performance. You can get a warranty covering the entire system with a repair cost advantage when you buy both units.

4. What Size Air Conditioner Do I Need?

It is important to buy the right size of HVAC for your home. Buying the wrong size could end up wasting money. You can only determine the right size by knowing your home’s BTU (British thermal unit). Ideally, it is best to contact your HVAC company or technician for guidance.

5. How do I know if my HVAC unit is under warranty?

The warranty for your unit is often found on the label located on the outer surface of the equipment. Your equipment is likely to be under warranty for less than five years. Ideally, talk to your AC technician for a guide.

6. How do I find the best HVAC contractor?

Finding the best HVAC contractor is easy with the internet. However, you can ask friends and relations to refer trusted ones. We advise you to do your due diligence before choosing a technician. Conduct your research by reviewing the recommended list to ensure they are good.

HVAC FAQs: Operation

The secret to a long-lasting HVAC is in how you use it. When you know what to do, you can extend the lifespan of your equipment, enjoy greater benefits, and save money.

1.      How do I know if my HVAC system is operating safely?

Compare the air blowing out and the air going back in to determine the efficiency of your equipment. For peace of mind, try working with a certified HVAC technician to conduct a specific test to determine your AC’s performance.

He needs to check the indoor humidity, find strange smells, checks thermostat accuracy, and listen to strange noises. Apart from feeling the temperature that you can do yourself, accurate detection for operating safety is what a technician is trained to do.

2. Does adjusting a thermostat up or down really save money on energy bills?

Yes, it can save money on energy bills! The thermostat impacts HVAC energy consumption. A smart thermostat with the ability to turn on and off the AC helps to optimize equipment use and save money.

3. What is a zoning system?

A zoning system segments your air conditioning system to help control the temperature in each segment. If your house has a room with many windows that needs more cooled air than other rooms, a zoning system allows you to control air distribution for efficiency judiciously.

The goal is to have air quality and efficiency in your HVAC.

4. What can I do to improve indoor air quality?

Using a cooling system helps regulate humidity and promote indoor air quality. While eliminating sources of pollution does improve air quality, an efficiently working HVAC can improve the air you breathe.

5. It’s hot out, and my air conditioner won’t turn on. What should I do?

There are several explanations as to why your AC might not turn on even if it is hot out. It could be a problem with the power source – compressor handler switches, thermostat batteries, or circuit breaker. If you are not handy, the best thing to do is to call your AC technician to troubleshoot the problem and fix it.

6. How can I save energy without investing in new systems?

Energy-saving can be achieved by maintaining a proper HVAC operation and maintenance culture. A smart thermostat can keep your equipment running optimally without wasting any resources. It’s wise to talk to a professional HVAC technician to walk you through keeping your system running efficiently.

HVAC FAQs: Maintenance

Everything in life needs proper maintenance, and your HVAC is not an exception. When you maintain your HVAC regularly, you’ll benefit immensely from it.

1. What’s the best way to extend the life of my unit? 

When you adopt regular maintenance and efficient use of your equipment, you can extend its lifespan. Many homeowners who use professional HVAC specialists keep their units running efficiently for longer periods!

2. How often should I clean or replace air filters in my unit?

Regular cleaning of the filters promotes HVAC efficiency. Experts advise cleaning your filters at least once a year with minimal use. The best thing to do is talk to a professional AC technician to guide you on the best timing for cleaning your filters.

3. How often should I have my unit serviced? 

Regular check-ups of your equipment helps mitigate any problem waiting to interrupt the smooth running of your HVAC. It is best to allow a competent HVAC technician to develop a scheduled maintenance plan.

4. What is a SEER rating? Why should I know about it?

SEER means Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. The rating determines HVAC efficiency calculated by the cooling output divided by the total energy used in a typical cooling period. Knowledge of the SEER rating reveals potential energy costs and creates a more friendly energy cost plan.

5. How can I detect AC refrigerant leaks?

Refrigerant leakage is a common AC problem, and early detection saves you money and prevents discomfort. There are several ways to detect Freon leakages, but it is better to call a professional HVAC technician when your AC isn’t cooling as it should.

6. Why is my furnace leaking?

Furnace leakage is a common problem, and it’s an emergency that requires prompt attention. The leak could be due to the breakdown of major parts, and you need a competent HVAC technician to detect and fix it.

HVAC Frequently Asked Questions, FAQs

Do You Have Any Unanswered Questions?

Understandably, the above are just a few questions out of many on your mind. If your question is not answered, Anthem professional HVAC technicians are happy to answer them.

Anthem is a heating and air conditioning company based in the Inland Empire and Coachella Valley areas. Give us a call today to answer all your HVAC questions.

The SEER Ratings Guide for Homeowners

Introduction: What is a SEER Rating?

A SEER rating is a measure of the cooling efficiency of a central air conditioning unit or heating efficiency of a heat pump.

The SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) rating is a measure of cooling efficiency for central air conditioners. It is based on the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor air, with higher SEER ratings indicating greater energy savings. The best SEER ratings are 14 or higher.

A SEER rating of 14 or higher is considered to be very efficient, while a rating of 10 or lower does not meet the minimum efficiency threshold.

The higher the temperature differential, the higher the SEER rating.

A SEER rating is a measure of the energy efficiency of air conditioning.

What is the Difference Between SEER Efficiency Ratings?

Though SEER ratings are a great way to measure the efficiency and effectiveness of a heat pump, they are not always reliable. The SEER rating system was developed in the 1970s, and there have been changes in technology since then. There is no perfect formula for calculating efficiency or determining an accurate SEER rating.

What is the Difference Between SEER Efficiency Ratings?

It would be difficult for someone to make an educated decision about which SEER efficiency rating they want without understanding the difference between the ratings.

A SEER, or Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio, is a measurement of heat pump efficiency and is an important factor in determining the energy savings and operating cost of a heat pump. The higher the SEER rating, the more efficient and economical that heat pump will be.

A heat pump can be defined as a device that moves heat from one place to another. They are generally used in the wintertime to release heat from inside of buildings and transfer it outside. The higher the SEER or Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio, the more efficient and economical that heat pump will be.

How to Evaluate the Best High-Efficiency Seer Heat Pumps

This article will guide you on how to Evaluate the Best High-Efficiency Seer Heat Pumps.

A heat pump is a device that transfers heat from one place to another. When it is functioning, it uses temperature differences to move heat from the warmer place to the colder place.

There are three main things that you need to look at for when evaluating these heat pumps.

These are efficiency, noise level, and installation cost.

What Is a High Efficiency Air Conditioner?

Choosing an air conditioner can be difficult, but there are some features to keep in mind when researching your purchase. Air conditioners are constantly evolving, but there are still many factors to consider.

Efficiency, noise level, and installation cost are all factors that should be considered when deciding which air conditioner is right for you.

A high efficiency air conditioner is a type of air conditioning unit that can provide greater cooling power than the traditional air conditioner.

There are many advantages to installing an energy efficient AC unit. One of the most important advantages is that they can reduce your utility expenses. This is because they use less energy to generate the desired level of cooling. This means that by using one you could potentially save money on your electric bill, or at least reduce it significantly.

Tips on Choosing a SEER Rating of 14 or Higher

Choosing a SEER rating of 14 or higher is the best way to ensure that your new home will be energy efficient. There are three ways to get a SEER rating:

1) Ask your contractor an HVAC installer for the SEER rating.

2) Purchase a home with a pre-tested and sealed SEER rating label on it.

3) Buy a new home with an Energy Star label on it.


If you live around the Coachella Valley area – Indio, Indian Wells, Palm Desert, or La Quinta – a reputable heating and air conditioning repair and provider company is nearby. Let Anthem Heating & Air help you with all your air conditioning and heating questions and needs! Visit us at or call now at (760) 895-2621.

How to Choose the Right Size Replacement Air Conditioner

While undersized air conditioning units struggle to adequately cool rooms, oversized ones have inconsistent cooling and heating cycles and will consume too much energy. Eventually, this is harmful to the lifespan of your AC. On the contrary, properly sized air conditioning units go a long way in performance and efficiency. 

The question now becomes how to choose a replacement that’s the right fit. There are guidelines you can follow, and, in this article, we will go into the details of some of them. It’s also worth noting that size is calculated in cooling capacity, not actual physical size.

How the Cooling Capacity of AC Units is Calculated

Let’s get a bit technical here. Essentially, central air conditioning units’ efficiency is measured by the energy efficiency ratio (EER). EER is the ratio of cooling capacity, given in British thermal units (Btu), to power inputs given in watts. The cooling capacity of an AC unit depends mainly on the size of the house.

Most central ACs have between 5,500-14,000 Btu or more cooling capacity. For every square foot of living space, 20-25 Btu cooling capacity is required for optimal cooling. Therefore, to calculate the right AC size for your home, you need to measure the square feet of your home and multiply by 20/25 Btu. For instance, if your house is 400 sq. ft., you’ll multiply 400×20 to get 8,000 Btu. 

An hourly rating of 12,000 Btu, equivalent to 1 ton, is common for central AC units. Therefore, most AC units are identified by tons, thus simplifying the jargon for regular people. Air conditioning units have indications of the Btu per hour expended. This will make the shopping process easier for you.

What are SEER Ratings?

Provided that EER is the standard measure of cooling efficiency, SEER ratings are calculated over an entire season. So, SEER stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. Primarily, calculating SEER values takes into account the outdoor temperature ranging between 65 – 104 degrees Fahrenheit. SEER ratings are also important when sizing AC units.

Other Factors to Consider When Choosing an AC Size

The ACs cooling capacity isn’t the only consideration you need to make when choosing a size. The following are other aspects that affect the efficiency of an air conditioning unit: 

  • The height of your ceiling. The higher the ceiling, the more air is needed for cooling.
  • Insulation of the room. Rooms insulated with foam tend to control air temperature, and they require smaller cooling capacities. 
  • Room occupancy. The higher the number of people in a given area, the more cooling capacity needed. Humans generate heat that adds to the room temperature. 
  • The number of appliances in the house. Electric appliances that release heat, such as TVs and washers, add warmth to your room.
  • Surrounding weather conditions. Different parts of the world experience varying weather conditions around the year. This variance needs to be considered when sizing an AC for effective cycles.

Reasons to Replace Your Air Conditioner

Sometimes air conditioner replacement makes more sense than the never-ending repairs. Then again, apart from the sizing problem, there are other good reasons you might consider replacing your AC unit. These include:

  • Energy efficiency. Older models have low SEER ratings, which show low energy efficiency. Switching to a modern air conditioner with a better rating will help you use energy more efficiently, thus saving you on bills.
  • Huge repair costs. Over time, AC repair costs pile up, and it becomes hard to keep up. A replacement, whether partial or entire, can cut on these bills. 
  • Age of the AC. Air conditioning units have an average lifespan of about 15-20 years. Old AC units have outdated technologies and break down easily. 

Get Professional HVAC Services in Coachella Valley

When your air conditioning is acting up, the last thing you want to do is wait for an appointment or parts. Anthem Air Conditioning is one of the largest air conditioning repair companies in the Coachella Valley. It has the service personnel and stocked products to keep you cool when it’s triple digits outside. We service the Coachella Valley and Riverside. Call us today at 760-892-2621 to get instant help.